What are the reed instruments?

What are the reed instruments?

A basic reed part usually has three or four instruments (flutes, clarinets and saxophones being the most common), but can include up to eight instruments, such as the "Reed 3" part in Bernstein's West Side Story, which calls for the player to use piccolo, flute, oboe, English horn, clarinet, bass clarinet, and tenor

What musical instrument should a child start with?

Recommended Instruments: Piano and Drums are the most common choices for this age range, as children tend to flourish best when they do not have to lift or hold an instrument at first. We do not recommend ukulele*, guitar or brass/woodwind (school band) or larger string instruments yet for this reason.

What’s an instrument that starts with an O?

oboeWhat are three musical instruments that begin with the letter O? The oboe, the ocarina and the organ.

Is a recorder a reed instrument?

Answer. Answer: The recorder is one of the few instruments in the woodwind sections of the orchestra that doesn't have a reed. It never had a reed, when they were made they had a whistle mouth piece that is based on the school whistle that they use in the playground now.