What are the indications and contraindications of tube feeding?

What are the indications and contraindications of tube feeding?

Indications include oesophageal atresia, stricture and cancer, dysphagia due to neuromuscular disorders, or after trauma. Relative contraindications include primary disease of the stomach, abnormal gastric or duodenal emptying, and significant oesophageal reflux.

What are the indications for enteral feeding?

Specific indications for enteral nutrition include the following:

  • Prolonged anorexia.
  • Severe protein-energy undernutrition.
  • Coma or depressed sensorium.
  • Liver failure.
  • Inability to take oral feedings due to head or neck trauma.
  • Critical illnesses (eg, burns) causing metabolic stress.

What are nursing considerations for medications?

Start with the basics

  • Verify any medication order and make sure it’s complete.
  • Check the patient’s medical record for an allergy or contraindication to the prescribed medication.
  • Prepare medications for one patient at a time.
  • Educate patients about their medications.
  • Follow the eight rights of medication administration.

What are the 5 nursing process?

The nursing process functions as a systematic guide to client-centered care with 5 sequential steps. These are assessment, diagnosis, planning, implementation, and evaluation. Assessment is the first step and involves critical thinking skills and data collection; subjective and objective.

What are the 4 types of nursing diagnosis?

The four types of nursing diagnosis are Actual (Problem-Focused), Risk, Health Promotion, and Syndrome.

What are the 3 parts of nursing diagnosis?

The three main components of a nursing diagnosis are:

  • Problem and its definition.
  • Etiology or risk factors.
  • Defining characteristics or risk factors.

What are examples of nursing diagnosis?

The following are nursing diagnoses arising from the nursing literature with varying degrees of authentication by ICNP or NANDA-I standards.

  • Anxiety.
  • Constipation.
  • Pain.
  • Activity Intolerance.
  • Impaired Gas Exchange.
  • Excessive Fluid Volume.
  • Caregiver Role Strain.
  • Ineffective Coping.

What are collaborative problems in nursing?

A collaborative problem is a patient problem that requires the nurse—with the physician and other health care providers—to monitor, plan, and implement patient care.

What are nursing problems?

Areas explored include issues directly related to nursing staff including autonomy, staffing, absenteeism, quality of care, peer relationships, depression and anxiety, meditation, communication and professional misconduct.

Why is collaboration important in nursing?

Collaboration in health care has been shown to improve patient outcomes such as reducing preventable adverse drug reactions,3,4 decreasing morbidity and mortality rates5,6 and optimizing medication dosages.

Which conditions are examples of collaborative problems?

Collaborative problems could include: hemorrhage, infection, and paralysis using medical, nursing, and allied health interventions. Assessment process, decision making steps,. These steps include: data clustering, identifying patient health problems, and formulating a diagnosis.

What is a referral in nursing?

Referrals, simply defined, are contacts that are initiated by the nurse and other members of the healthcare team in order to meet the needs of the client at the appropriate level of care and in the appropriate setting.

What is collaborative diagnosis?

In contrast, a collaborative diagnostic process that involves discussion of how the diagnosis may relate to decisions about care and treatment should foster agency and control for the patient.

How do you formulate a diagnosis?

Steps to diagnosis

  1. taking an appropriate history of symptoms and collecting relevant data.
  2. physical examination.
  3. generating a provisional and differential diagnosis.
  4. testing (ordering, reviewing, and acting on test results)
  5. reaching a final diagnosis.
  6. consultation (referral to seek clarification if indicated)

Which of the following is an example of a cluster of related cues?

Which of the following is an example of a cluster of related cues? A cue is an unhealthy response; a cluster of cues consists of cues related to each other, such as nausea and stomach pain after eating. Productive cough and loose stools are abnormal findings but are not obviously or usually related to each other.

What is collaborative interventions in nursing?

Collaborative interventions are actions that the nurse carries out in collaboration with other health team members, such as physicians, social workers, dietitians, and therapists. These actions are developed in consultation with other health care professionals to gain their professional viewpoint.

What are nursing priorities?

Priority setting is an important skill in nursing, and a skill deficit can have serious consequences for patients. Priority setting can be defined as the ordering of nursing problems using notions of urgency and/or importance, in order to establish a preferential order for nursing actions.

Which is an example of a collaborative nursing intervention?

Which is an example of a collaborative nursing intervention? Nursing assistant providing range-of-motion on the patient.

What are nursing interventions examples?

Types of nursing interventions

  • Behavioral nursing interventions include actions that help a patient change their behavior, such as offering support to quit smoking.
  • Community nursing interventions are those that focus on public health initiatives, such as implementing a diabetes education program.

What are nursing interventions for anxiety?


Nursing Interventions Rationale
Provide reassurance and comfort measures. Helps relieve anxiety.
Educate the patient and/or SO that anxiety disorders are treatable. Pharmacological therapy is an effective treatment for anxiety disorders; treatment regimen may include antidepressants and anxiolytics.

What are the nursing interventions for dehydration?

Prevent dehydration with nursing interventions

  • Provide extra fluid with meals, including juice, soup, ice cream and sherbet, gelatin, water on trays.
  • Serve beverages at activities.
  • All staff should encourage at least 60 ml of fluid of the resident’s choice upon entering each resident’s room.
  • Encourage the resident to consume at least 180 ml with medications.

What are some nursing interventions for pain?

Maintain the patient’s use of nonpharmacological methods to control pain, such as distraction, imagery, relaxation, massage, and heat and cold application. Cognitive-behavioral strategies can restore patient’s sense of self-control, personal efficacy, and active participation in their own care.

What should a nursing care plan include?

A care plan includes the following components: assessment, diagnosis, expected outcomes, interventions, rationale and evaluation. According to UK nurse Helen Ballantyne, care plans are a critical aspect of nursing and they are meant to allow standardised, evidence-based holistic care.

What is inference in nursing care plan?

Clinical inference is part of the clinical decision-making process and precedes judgment and action. It is an integrated response to patient cues and other evidence and a necessary skill for all nurses. This study suggests that clinical experience shapes clinical inference.

What are the four main steps in care planning?

(1) Understanding the Nature of Care, Care Setting, and Government Programs. (2) Funding the Cost of Long Term Care. (3) Using Long Term Care Professionals. (4) Creating a Personal Care Plan and Choosing a Care Coordinator.

What are the 4 key steps to care planning?

These steps include initial contact, initial needs identification, assessment, care planning, service delivery and review and exit/transition. Focus on those actions that create value.

What nursing action reflects evaluation?

Model self-care behaviors for the client. Which nursing action reflects evaluation? The nurse assesses the client’s response to pain medication.