What are the functions of smooth ER?

What are the functions of smooth ER?

The smooth endoplasmic reticulum functions in many metabolic processes. It synthesizes lipids, phospholipids as in plasma membranes, and steroids. Cells that secrete these products, such as cells of the testes, ovaries, and skin oil glands, have an excess of smooth endoplasmic reticulum.

Which of the following is a function of the rough ER?

Rough endoplasmic reticulum is an organelle found in eukaryotic cells. Its main function is to produce proteins. It is made up of cisternae, tubules and vesicles. Proteins are transferred from the Rough endoplasmic reticulum to the Golgi apparatus via membrane-bound vesicles.

Which cell has the least number of mitochondria?

The number of mitochondria per cell varies widely; for example, in humans, erythrocytes (red blood cells) do not contain any mitochondria, whereas liver cells and muscle cells may contain hundreds or even thousands. The only eukaryotic organism known to lack mitochondria is the oxymonad Monocercomonoides species.

What are the four main tissues found in the body?

There are 4 basic types of tissue: connective tissue, epithelial tissue, muscle tissue, and nervous tissue. Connective tissue supports other tissues and binds them together (bone, blood, and lymph tissues). Epithelial tissue provides a covering (skin, the linings of the various passages inside the body).

What is epithelial tissue give its characteristics and functions?

1) To protect tissues from radiation, harmful toxins and from pathogens. 2) It helps in regulation and exchange of chemicals between the tissues of the body. 3) It secretes hormones to the blood vascular system and secretes sweat to other products that are delivered by ducts.

What are the characteristics of connective tissues?

Connective tissues come in a vast variety of forms, yet they typically have in common three characteristic components: cells, large amounts of amorphous ground substance, and protein fibers.

What are the 3 common characteristics of connective tissue?

Connective tissue has three main components: cells, fibers, and ground substance. Together the ground substance and fibers make up the extracellular matrix. Connective tissue is classified into two subtypes: soft and specialized connective tissue.