What are the factors that affect lattice energy?

What are the factors that affect lattice energy?

This model emphasizes two main factors that contribute to the lattice energy of an ionic solid: the charge on the ions, and the radius, or size, of the ions. The effect of those factors is: as the charge of the ions increases, the lattice energy increases. as the size of the ions increases, the lattice energy decreases.

How do you find the lattice energy of RbCl?

The lattice energy is defined as the change in enthalpy for the reverse reaction, RbCl (s) Rb+ (g) + Cl- (g) DH = DHlattice = -DH5 = +692 kJ …

Which ionic compound would be expected to have the highest lattice energy?


Which has more lattice energy NaCl or MgCl2?

Magnesium ions are smaller than sodium ions, and oxide ions are smaller thanchloride ions. That means that the distance between the positive and negative ions is quite a lot less in MgO than in NaCl, and so the forces of attraction will be greater in MgO.

Which set of compounds is arranged in order of increasing magnitude of lattice energy?

Answer Expert Verified. To arrange this from increasing:CsBr < KF < CaO. The bigger the radius of an atom, the bigger the distance from one nucleus of the atom to the other in that molecule, therefore making a weaker bond which is a smaller magnitude lattice energy.

What type of bonding occurs in magnesium oxide MgO?

ionic bond

What type of bond is lithium sulfide?

Is MgO polar or nonpolar or ionic?

MgO – Magnesium Oxide is an ionic bond because Mg is a metal and Oxygen is a nonmetal. This means that there is a transfer of electrons taking place, not sharing of electrons(covalent).

Is Mg and O polar or nonpolar?


Compound Type and bonding Graphic Image
Hydrochloric Acid HCl polar unequal sharing of electrons Graphic
Oxygen O2 non polar equal sharing of electrons Graphic
Magnesium Oxide MgO ionic transfer of electrons Graphic
Water H2O polar unequal sharing of electrons Graphic

Is MgO ionic bond?

valence electrons …the ionic compound MgO (magnesium oxide).

Is Mg and O ionic bond?

Magnesium forms a positive ion which attracts to the negative oxide ion. This “attraction” between this oppositely charged ions is called an ionic bond. Formula:​MgO. Formed from Mg​+2​ and O​-2​, one ion of each to form a stable, neutral compound.

How does magnesium and oxygen join an ionic bond?

An ionic bond is the attraction between oppositely charged ions. Ionic bonds are strong and substantial energy is required to break them. For example, when magnesium reacts with oxygen to form magnesium oxide, the magnesium atom loses two electrons to form the Mg2+ cation, which has electronic configuration 2,8.

Which compound in the following ionic substances has the most exothermic Lattice Energy Group of answer choices?

1 Answer. Ernest Z. Ca3N2 has the most exothermic lattice energy.