What are the 50 examples of antonyms?

What are the 50 examples of antonyms?

Antonym Examples

Achieve – Fail Giant – Dwarf Random – Specific
Arrive – Depart Innocent – Guilty Simple – Complicated
Arrogant – Humble Knowledge – Ignorance Single – Married
Attack – Defend Liquid – Solid Sunny – Cloudy
Blunt – Sharp Marvelous – Terrible Timid – Bold

How do you use antonyms?

Using antonyms helps to emphasize your point, show contrast, or explain exactly what you mean. Antonyms too add “colors” to your speech or writing. For example, compare these two paragraphs: “The girl looked out the window.

Do all words have antonyms?

No, not every word does. There are pairs of antonyms, or words with opposite meanings. These can be adjectives such as big/small, or true/false, or simple/complex. But, in general, there is no word you would call an antonym of pebble.

What are the three types of antonyms?

There are primarily three types of antonyms: Complementary antonyms, graded antonyms and relational antonyms.

What has no opposite?

The only thing that has no opposite is love. Some would say that the opposite of love is hate. However, a better opposite for hate is acceptance.

How do you use antonyms in a sentence?

1, Two antonyms of ‘light’ are ‘dark’ and ‘heavy’. 2, ” Long ” is the antonym of’short “. 3, ‘Old’ has two possible antonyms: ‘young’ and ‘new’.

What is antonyms and its examples?

An antonym is a word that means the opposite of another word. For instance, the antonym of ‘hot’ may be ‘cold. ‘ The root words for the word ‘antonym’ are the words ‘anti,’ meaning ‘against’ or ‘opposite,’ and ‘onym,’ meaning ‘name. Synonyms and antonyms are exactly the opposite.

What are the examples of synonyms and antonyms?

Antonyms are words with opposite meanings. Synonyms are words with the same or similar meaning….Antonym Examples

  • Add – Subtract.
  • Above – Below.
  • After – Before.
  • Awake – Asleep.
  • Bad – Good.
  • Better – Worse.
  • Big – Little.
  • Birth – Death.

What’s a antonym for example?

What is the opposite of example?

counterexample antithesis
inverse opposite
contradiction contrast
reverse contradistinction
opposition antipode

How are antonyms formed?

An antonym is a word that has the opposite meaning to another word. Many antonyms are formed by adding the prefix un- to an existing word. The prefixes mis-, dis-, in-, ir- and im- and il- are used instead of un- with some words to create antonyms.

What’s the word for example?

Some common synonyms of example are case, illustration, instance, sample, and specimen.

What is another word for show?

Some common synonyms of show are display, exhibit, expose, flaunt, and parade. While all these words mean “to present so as to invite notice or attention,” show implies no more than enabling another to see or examine.

What is another word for finally?

What is another word for finally?

eventually ultimately
tardily at last
someday sometime
lastly after some time
by and by sooner or later

What is another word for therefore?

What is another word for therefore?

thus hence
consequently accordingly
so as a result
because of this due to this
ergo for this reason

What is therefore in grammar?

· Grammar. Therefore is an adverb that means “as a consequence,” “as a result,” or “hence.” Therefor is an adverb that means “for that,” or “for it.”

Is therefore a formal word?

Therefore is fairly formal word. We don’t tend to use it much in everyday conversation or informal writing.

Is since a synonym for Therefore?

In this page you can discover 34 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for therefore, like: for this reason, in consequence, as-a-result, on-account-of, since, because, consequently, moreover, hence, accordingly and wherefore.

Is normally a transition word?

After, afterward, before, then, once, next, last, at last, at length, first, second, etc., at first, formerly, rarely, usually, another, finally, soon, meanwhile, at the same time, for a minute, hour, day, etc., during the morning, day, week, etc., most important, later, ordinarily, to begin with, afterwards, generally …

Is ergo an English word?

Ergo may refer to: A Latin word meaning “therefore” as in Cogito ergo sum. A Greek word έργο meaning “work”, used as a prefix ergo-, for example, in ergonomics.