What are the 5 rules of capitalization?

What are the 5 rules of capitalization?

English Capitalization Rules:

  • Capitalize the First Word of a Sentence.
  • Capitalize Names and Other Proper Nouns.
  • Don’t Capitalize After a Colon (Usually)
  • Capitalize the First Word of a Quote (Sometimes)
  • Capitalize Days, Months, and Holidays, But Not Seasons.
  • Capitalize Most Words in Titles.

Do you capitalize BS?

Academic degrees are capitalized only when the full name of the degree is used, such as Bachelor of Arts or Master of Science. General references, such as bachelor’s, master’s, or doctoral degree, are not capitalized.

What words should not be capitalized?

According to most style guides, nouns, pronouns, verbs, adjectives, and adverbs are the only words capitalized in titles of books, articles, and songs. Prepositions, articles, and conjunctions aren’t capitalized (unless they’re the first or last word).

Are categories capitalized?

There are no proper nouns in the example above. Words like democracy, government and authority refer to general concepts and categories rather than specific names. Specific periods and named events in history are proper nouns and thus capitalized. Centuries, however, stay in lowercase.

Are job titles capitalized in APA?

Do not capitalize job titles unless immediately preceding a person’s name: the superintendent, but Superintendent Williams; the vice president of the school board, but Vice President Agnew. Additionally, do not capitalize the names of theories, models, conditions, or diseases.

Is Earth capitalized MLA?

We usually lowercase sun, moon, and earth, but, following The Chicago Manual of Style, when the does not precede the name of the planet, when earth is not part of an idiomatic expression, or when other planets are mentioned, we capitalize earth: The earth revolves around the sun. The astronauts landed on the moon.

Is Sun capitalized AP style?

Longtime style “The AP Stylebook decision to lowercase ‘sun’ and ‘moon’ was made years ago, so I can’t speak to the discussions that were held then,” AP Stylebook editor Paula Froke told Space.com. (Space.com follows AP style, which is why you see “sun” and “moon” in our stories.)

Why is Earth not capitalized?

When you’re talking about the planet we live on, capitalize the word. Here’s why: Used in this capacity, Earth is a proper noun. While she’s on our planet Earth, the meaning of the word here refers not to the planet itself, but to the soil or dirt on the ground and, as a result, should not be capitalized.

Is Moon capitalized in a sentence?

Scientific or technical terms (and, for that matter, all terms) containing a proper name should be capitalized. Capitalize the names of planets (e.g., “Earth,” “Mars,” “Jupiter”). Capitalize “Moon” when referring to Earth’s Moon; otherwise, lowercase “moon” (e.g., “The Moon orbits Earth,” “Jupiter’s moons”).

Is Moon a place or thing?

When you’re talking about specific places, you capitalize their names. Mike Murphy, deputy editor: The Moon is a proper noun. It’s a place you can visit, so this is the only correct answer.

How many suns are there?

That’s just how many we’ve found so far. There are likely to be many more planetary systems out there waiting to be discovered! Our Sun is just one of about 200 billion stars in our galaxy.

Why do we say the moon?

The word moon can be traced to the word mōna, an Old English word from medieval times. Mōna shares its origins with the Latin words metri, which means to measure, and mensis, which means month. So, we see that the moon is called the moon because it is used to measure the months.

Is the moon named Luna?

Earth has one moon. We call it “the Moon” because for a long time it was the only one we knew about. Many languages have beautiful words for Moon. It is “Luna” in Italian, Latin and Spanish, “Lune” in French, “Mond” in German, and “Selene” in Greek.

Who first discovered the moon?


Why don’t we call the moon Luna?

It is just called “the moon.” The name is a holdover from the old English word “Mona” and a time when astronomers didn’t know other moons existed. However, the moon goes by other names in our cultures. To the ancient Greeks, it was “Selene,” in Latin and Spanish, it is “Luna,” and in Swahili, it is “Mwezi.”

Which planet has the most moons?

Read More

Planet / Dwarf Planet Confirmed Moons Total
Earth 1 1
Mars 2 2
Jupiter 53 79
Saturn 53 82

Does Earth have 2 moons?

Earth has a second moon, of sorts, and could have many others, according to three astronomers who did calculations to describe orbital motions at gravitational balance points in space that temporarily pull asteroids into bizarre orbits near our planet.

Can moons have moons?

So far at least, no submoons have been found orbiting any of the moons considered most likely to support them – Jupiter’s moon Callisto, Saturn’s moons Titan and Iapetus and Earth’s own moon. Usually, any submoons orbiting smaller moons closer to their planet would have their orbits destabilized by tidal forces.

How many moons does Venus have 2020?

The answer is no moons at all. That’s right, Venus (and the planet Mercury) are the only two planets that don’t have a single natural moon orbiting them. Figuring out why is one question keeping astronomers busy as they study the Solar System.

Are there 3 moons?

A group of Hungarian scientists has confirmed a long-standing astronomical speculation: the Earth has three natural satellites or moons, not one.

What does 3 moons mean?

These three figures are often described as the Maiden, the Mother, and the Crone, each of which symbolizes both a separate stage in the female life cycle and a phase of the Moon, and often rules one of the realms of heavens, earth, and underworld. In various forms of Wicca, her masculine consort is the Horned God.

Can a planet have 3 suns?

First planet with three suns may have been discovered. A wobbly ring of dust around a triple solar system 1,300 light-years away may have helped astronomers find a rare planet. Forget about Luke Skywalker’s fictional “Star Wars” home planet Tatooine and its two suns.

Is the Moon a dead planet?

So when the moon formed, it formed like a planet. Though volcanic activity on the moon ended about 3 billion years ago, the Apollo missions picked up thousands of earthquakes on the moon, or moonquakes. Moonquakes tell us that the moon is not geologically dead. It’s still acting like a planet today.

Why is the moon geologically dead?

Volcanic activity 3 billion years ago flooded lunar craters, creating lunar maria. The Moon is now geologically dead. Mercury shrank! Long, steep cliffs formed when Mercury’s core cooled, shrinking the planet by ~20 km.

Does the moon have gravity?

1.62 m/s²

Could you jump off the moon?

Although you can jump very high on the moon, you’ll be happy to know that there’s no need to worry about jumping all the way off into space. In fact, you’d need to be going very fast – more than 2 kilometres per second – to escape from the moon’s surface.

Is air on the moon?

There is no air because the Moon’s gravity is so weak that any gasses that might form an atmosphere are blown away by the constant stream of charged particles coming from the sun (the “solar wind”).

Is the earth floating in space?

The earth does fall down. In fact, the earth is constantly falling down. It’s a good thing too, because that is what keeps the earth from flying out of the solar system under its own momentum. The earth and everything on it is constantly falling towards the sun because of the sun’s immense gravity.