What are the 5 master sauces?

What are the 5 master sauces?

The five mother sauces include béchamel sauce, veloute sauce, brown or Espagnole sauce, Hollandaise sauce and tomato sauce. These sauces are also collectively referred to in French as “sayces meres” or “grandes sauces.”

Is Alfredo sauce the same as bechamel?

Both are dairy-based sauces, however, Bechamel is a Fench white sauce thickened with a roux made with butter and flour. … Alfredo sauce uses heavy cream that's thickened by reduction on the stovetop, then finished with Parmesan cheese.

How many types of Continental sauce are there?

Tomato! The five French mother sauces are: Béchamel, Velouté, Espagnole, Hollandaise, and Tomato. Read on to learn how to make each one.

How do you use Mornay sauce?

What to Serve Mornay Sauce With. Just like Bechamel sauce, Mornay can be served on most foods you want to add an extra layer of flavor. Typically you see it served with eggs, chicken, fish, vegetables and shellfish but you also can use it when making your favorite casseroles.

How do you make a roux with flour and butter?

Melt butter (or fat) in a saucepan and whisk in flour until smooth. Allow it to bubble for at least 1 minute while mixing. For a dark roux, cook the flour/fat mixture longer while whisking, until it reaches a golden dark caramel color. Add remaining liquid and seasonings, simmer a couple of minutes.

Where does Mornay sauce come from?

You can simply refrigerate the mornay sauce in a jar for later use in the week, like I do, or you can also freeze the sauce. Either way, when you're ready to use the sauce, simply thaw the sauce and then reheat over low heat in a saucepan.

How long does Mornay sauce last?

You can store béchamel for 4-5 days safely in the refrigerator. Cool the unused portion as quickly as possible after the sauce is finished and make sure to place a piece of cling film directly in contact with the surface of the sauce prior to refrigerating it so that it doesn't form a skin and slows down oxidation.