What are some weaknesses for superheroes?

What are some weaknesses for superheroes?

Here are the 15 Most Embarassing Superhero Weaknesses.

  • 15 Martian Manhunter: Matches.
  • 14 Captain Marvel Jr: Saying His Name Out Loud.
  • 13 Daredevil: “Loud Noises!”
  • 12 The Flash: Excessive Speed.
  • 11 Superman: Pink Kryptonite.
  • 10 The Riddler: Wanting to Get Caught.
  • 9 Johnny Storm: Asbestos.
  • 8 Venom: A Cigarette Lighter.

Who is the weakest superhero ever?

Here are The Top 10 Weakest Superheroes To Have Ever Been Created.

  • Hindsight Lad.
  • Hellcow.
  • Matter-Eater Lad.
  • Friendly Fire.
  • Stone Boy.
  • Dazzler.
  • Cypher. At first glance, Cypher has a really cool power.
  • Squirrel Girl. Squirrel Girl is the creation of Steve Ditko and Will Murray.

What are Superman’s weaknesses?

Aside from red sun radiation, Superman’s main weakness is Kryptonite, radioactive shards of his former home planet. Exposure to Kryptonite will rob Superman of his power, and with prolonged exposure, will kill him.

What are Thor’s weaknesses?

Thor’s other weakness has nothing to do with his physical status, rather, the status of his heart. While Thor can be a reckless, driven, and manic warrior, he can also be a push-over when it comes to humans, especially Jane Foster.

What is the weakness of Wonder Woman?

One of Wonder Woman’s main weakness is her vulnerability to bullets and projectiles in general which have been shown to be able to pierce her skin. Which is a little odd considering she can take punches from Superman that knock her from outer space and back to Earth.

Who is Wonder Woman’s biggest enemy?

The current Cheetah, Barbara Ann Minerva, is a former archeologist and treasure-hunter who sold her soul to the plant-god Urtzkartaga for power and immortality, not realizing she would be bound in eternal servitude to him. She, aside from Circe and Ares, is arguably Wonder Woman’s deadliest archenemy.

Why was Wonder Woman getting weak?

In Wonder Woman’s case, it is her powers that get sacrificed. In return, Steve Trevor is resurrected indirectly. Meaning, his soul enters a random man’s body. The loss of her powers made Wonder Woman extremely weak.

What can kill Wonder Woman?

  • Diana has two major weaknesses.
  • The first is that while she is durable enough that most bludgeoning and some slashing weapons don’t do much to her, piercing weapons completely bypass her resistance meaning it only takes one well placed bullet to kill her (Assuming she doesn’t stop it with one of her bracelets.

Who kills Wonder Woman?

Cyborg sees the future where Wonder Woman has met her end It’s clear this is the Knightmare timeline where Darkseid has annihilated Earth, and considering that her funeral is surrounded by his warships, it’s a safe bet Diana was killed by the New God.

Does superwoman have a weakness?

Kryptonian Physiology: Under the effects of a “yellow” sun, Superwoman possesses the same potential weaknesses as an average Kryptonian. These include: Vulnerability to Kryptonite. Vulnerability to Magic.

What is Wonder Woman’s kryptonite?

The Bind of Veils has been considered something of a Wonder Woman kryptonite by many comic fans. However, it was sort of avoided a lot after this and in the New 52, Batman claims Wonder Woman does not have much of a weakness. Interestingly, we’re now in the Rebirth Period so the Bind of Veils could make a return.

What are Aquaman’s weaknesses?

He also retroactively developed a specific weakness akin to Superman’s vulnerability to kryptonite or Green Lantern’s vulnerability to the color yellow: Aquaman had to come into contact with water at least once per hour or he would die. Prior to this, Aquaman could exist both in and out of water indefinitely.

Does Shazam have a weakness?

Shazam does not have a full-blown weakness, though he does have an exploitable vulnerability. If Shazam or Billy Batson cannot vocalize the magic word, “SHAZAM,” than he cannot transform to and fro his mystical, heroic form. Shazam’s biggest weakness is Billy Batson himself.

Can Shazam lift Thor’s hammer?

But being powerful is not what makes Shazam worthy of Mjolnir. In fact, Shazam is not the one who is worthy of the hammer. Batson had to be worthy of this power to wield it. The same qualities that make Batson worthy of Shazam’s power make him worthy of Thor’s hammer.

Can Shazam beat Thor?

Without Mjolnir, Thor might actually lose against Shazam as it’s where a lot of Thor’s magical abilities come from. Shazam doesn’t need such a token to use magic and can easily amp up his strength, speed, and even durability to match or even surpass Thor’s.

Who can beat doomsday?

However, CBR is going to look at who could definitely stand against Doomsday and those who actually did!

  1. 1 DID: THOR.
  2. 2 DID: HULK.

Does doomsday have a weakness?

Evolved Abilities/Adaptation Kryptonite Immunity- Doomsday had a weakness to Kryptonite due to his Kryptonian origin, but he overcame that weakness after exposure. Fire Breathing- Doomsday developed fire breath in order to defeat Martian Manhunter, and later used the same ability against Superman.

Is doomsday immortal?

Immortality – He is practically immortal, and in this capacity, Doomsday does not need food, air or water to survive. His lungs have been enhanced to the point that Doomsday can breathe under water for long periods of time.

What can kill Doomsday?

He is super strong, super fast, super determined, etc. But the one thing that makes him stand out of the crowd is that he always come back from the dead. The only way to completely destroy him is through the power of entropy (or so say some comics).

Is Bruce Wayne immortal?

For all his incredible abilities, Batman is still, at his core, a mortal man. One incredible comic book story established that although Bruce Wayne is undeniably mortal, he also possesses a form of eternal life that can potentially let him keep fighting forever. …