What are some other names for the medieval times?

What are some other names for the medieval times?

the period in European history between about the year 500 AD and the year 1500 AD. Things belonging to this period are described as medieval. The early part of this period is sometimes called the Dark Ages and the period after it is the Renaissance.

How did people say hello in medieval times?

In medieval England, "Hail fellow" was a common greeting. By the 16th century this had morphed a bit into the more elaborate form "Hail fellow, well met." "God save you" would also have been a conventional greeting.

What were the duties of a knight in medieval times?

It was the duty of a Medieval Knight to learn how to fight and so serve their liege Lord according to the Code of Chivalry. But this was an extremely violent era in European and English history. Weapon practise included enhancing skills in the two-handed sword, battle axe, mace, dagger and lance.