What are normal urine dipstick results?

What are normal urine dipstick results?

Dipstick urinalysis detects protein with Bromphenol blue indicator dye and is most sensitive to albumin and less sensitive to Bence-Jones protein and globulins. Trace positive results are equivalent to 10 mg/100 ml or about 150 mg/24 hours (the upper limit of normal).

What does a urine dipstick show?

It's dipped into your urine, and the chemicals on the stick react and change color if levels are above normal. Things the dipstick test can check for include: Acidity, or pH. If the acid is above normal, you could have kidney stones, a urinary tract infection or another condition.

Do leukocytes in urine always mean infection?

If your doctor tests your urine and finds too many leukocytes, it could be a sign of infection. Leukocytes are white blood cells that help your body fight germs. When you have more of these than usual in your urine, it's often a sign of a problem somewhere in your urinary tract.

What does it mean if you test positive for leukocytes in your urine?

Leukocytes may also be found in a urinalysis, or a urine test. High levels of WBCs in your urine also suggest that you have an infection. In this case, your body is trying to fight off an infection somewhere in your urinary tract. Leukocytes in the urine could also suggest a kidney infection.

What does it mean if you have a trace of leukocytes in your urine?

An unusually high number of leukocytes in the urine indicates inflammation or infection along the urinary tract, often in the bladder or kidney. An absence of leukocyte esterase in the urine means that the urine is not likely to contain white blood cells, so it is not likely to be carrying infectious agents.

How do you get rid of leukocytes in urine?

Treatment for leukocytes in the urine depends on the cause and if there is an infection. For some conditions, such as a bacterial UTI, antibiotic therapy will clear up the infection relatively quickly. For more severe infections or those that will not resolve easily, more in-depth medical treatment may be needed.

How accurate are home UTI test strips?

Studies show that UTI test strips may only be reliable about 30% of the time. Other studies have bluntly concluded that UTI test strips should be abandoned as a tool for the diagnosis of UTIs in patients with lower urinary tract symptoms.

What does SG mean on a urine test strip?

Home Urine Specific Gravity Test. 1.0. 1.005. 1.010. 1.015.

What does it mean when you have a small amount of leukocytes in your urine?

Leukocytes, also known as white blood cells, are a central part of the immune system. Only very low levels of leukocytes, if any, are normally found in the urine. A high leukocyte content in the urine may indicate an infection or other underlying inflammatory medical problems.

Can leukocytes in urine mean STD?

A urinary tract infection (UTI) is the most common cause of pyuria. Other causes of pyuria may include: sexually transmitted diseases (STDs), such as chlamydia, gonorrhea, genital herpes, human papillomavirus infection, syphilis, trichomonas, mycoplasma, and HIV.

What does blood 3+ in urine mean?

While in many instances the cause is harmless, blood in urine (hematuria) can indicate a serious disorder. Urinary blood that's visible only under a microscope (microscopic hematuria) is found when your doctor tests your urine. Either way, it's important to determine the reason for the bleeding.

Can you have white blood cells in urine without infection?

It is possible to have white blood cells in the urine without a bacterial infection. Sterile pyuria refers to the persistent presence of white blood cells in the urine when no bacteria are found to be present by laboratory examination.

Would a kidney infection show up in a urine test?

They can test the urine sample for the presence of things like bacteria, blood, or pus. Following a kidney infection, your doctor may also request a repeat urine sample for analysis. This is so that they can check to see that your infection has completely cleared.

What does it mean when you test positive for leukocytes and negative for nitrite?

If Leukocytes test is negative and Nitrite test is negative: no sign of UTI (if symptoms continue, test again or consult healthcare provider). If Leukocytes test is negative or trace but Nitrite test is positive: results suggest UTI. If Leukocytes test is positive and Nitrite test is positive: results suggest UTI.

What is the normal range for urinalysis?

According to the American Association for Clinical Chemistry, the average value for urine pH is 6.0, but it can range from 4.5 to 8.0. Urine under 5.0 is acidic, and urine higher than 8.0 is alkaline, or basic. Different laboratories may have different ranges for “normal” pH levels.