What are male lolis called?

What are male lolis called?

Shouta: Literally boy, but in this context male equivalent of Loli (or Lolicon; usually Shotacon.) See also reverse loli. Loli: short for Lolita, which is to say an underage female character. Reverse loli: Male equivalent of Loli.

What does shouta mean in Japanese?

Soaring, Big

What does Carnito mean?

Translate “cariño” to English: affection, love, tenderness, attachment, care, caring, fondness. Spanish Synonyms of “cariño”: afecto, afición, amor, apego, dedicación, afectuosidad, bienquerer.

What Yuri means?

Russian and Ukrainian form of George. Although often associated with the Russian name, Yuri is also a Greek, Hebrew, Japanese, and Korean name as well. In Hebrew, Yuri or Uri means “the light of God”. In Japanese, depending on the characters used to spell the name, it could also mean “abundant ideals”.

Who is the best player in free fire?

The top 10 Free Fire players in the world 2021.

  • NayeemAlam.
  • GyanSujan.
  • Sudip Sarkar.
  • Ajjubhai94.
  • Bolt.
  • TSG Ritik.
  • S K Sabir.
  • Rakesh00007.

How do you get rid of AFK?

To remove your AFK status, simply talk in any channel which isn’t ignored and Dyno will remove your status. Dyno will allow up to 30 seconds to pass before you are able to remove your AFK status.

What is the meaning of AFK in Minecraft?

Away From Keyboard

How do you solve AFK warning in free fire?


  1. CRITERIA. If you disconnect from Free Fire and successfully reconnect WITHIN 120 seconds, there will be no penalty.
  2. CONSEQUENCE. When your account is marked with 3 or more AFK counts, an AFK Warning Mail will be sent to you.

How does discord determine AFK?

You are AFK if Discord sees no activity on your computer for ~10-15 minutes.

What does AFK mean in discord?

Afk is an abbreviation for away from keyboard. It lets people know that you will not be at your keyboard for a while, or that you will not be online for a period of time.

What does the moon sign mean on discord?

What ‘idle’ means in Discord. In the context of Discord, an idle user status means that the user in question has not logged out of Discord, but has not looked at or interacted with Discord for a few minutes. If you’re familiar with the term “AFK” (Away From Keyboard), Discord’s idle status is essentially the same thing …

What does the GREY circle mean on discord?

Offline Keep

Can you tell if someone is invisible in discord?

In Discord, there is no way (yet) to tell if someone is genuinely offline, or appearing as invisible. It means that you can safely pretend you aren’t there, but you also can’t know ever know if someone is actually offline on Discord.

Is discord safe for my child?

With the right privacy settings and monitoring, it’s easy to use Discord safely. Although it’s rare, there have been a handful of cases where predators have targeted kids by using Discord’s public servers to send direct messages (DMs).

What does the negative sign mean in discord?

Means the player is AFK. They’ve sat idle too long.

What is the negative sign?

Numbers Can be Positive or Negative “−” is the negative sign. “+” is the positive sign.

What is the symbol of negative?

Character codes

Read Character Unicode
Plus + U+002B
Minus U+2212
Hyphen-minus U+002D
Small Hyphen-minus U+FE63

What’s the negative sign?

Minus sign (−) used in subtraction to denote something that is below zero or to indicate a lack.

What is the symbol _?

Alternatively referred to as a low line, low dash, and understrike, the underscore ( _ ) is a symbol found on the same keyboard key as the hyphen. The picture shows an example of an underscore at the beginning and end of the word “Underscore.”

What is the opposite of 3?


What is the opposite of 8?


What is a reciprocal of 1 8?

The reciprocal of 1/8 is found by flipping the fraction: 1/8 flipped is 8/1 or 8.