What are legion denarius used for?

What are legion denarius used for?

Legion denarius can be used to make 12 gauge coin shot shells(which only has the drawback of requiring a lot of materials), but NCR dollars and Legion aureus are useless.

Why is Caesar’s Legion attacking me?

If Boone is your current active companion, the Legion will always be hostile to you, because Boone will shoot them on sight, and they tend to return the favor. Fallout New Vegas contains quite a few bugs like this. You can also install the “Community Bugfix Compilation Patch” which fixes a lot of known unfixed bugs.

Can you take over Caesar’s Legion?

You can’t take over the Legion yourself. If you kill Caesar the Legate steps up to take his place, if you kill him you will not be able to complete the game on the side of the legion and will probably have to go independent at that point, depending on any other factions you’ve already alienated.

Should I keep NCR money?

The only reason to save NCR/Legion money is for gambling, you can turn them into Casino chips. Other than that you could try and sell it to a trader for caps, but keep in mind it’s not one NCR dollar to 1 cap.

Where can I sell my NCR money?

The best way to do it is go to a casino and trade the faction money in for casino chips. Then cash in the chips for caps. That way you get full value on the money instead of selling it to a merchant like it was a normal item.

What is pre war money for in Fallout New Vegas?

Uses. The primary usefulness of pre-War money is as a trade item, owing to its weightlessness and relatively high value. In the first add-on for Fallout: New Vegas, Dead Money, pre-War money can be exchanged for (or from) Sierra Madre chips while inside the Sierra Madre Casino.

Do pre war books do anything in New Vegas?

NV takes place in New Vegas, where there was no nuclear war, and is primarily populated by nothing but hillbillies who can’t even read. So the only function pre-war books serve, is as toilet paper. By reading this, you waive any rights you have to feeling bad about my making fun of you.

What do you do with pre war money in Fallout 76?

In Fallout 76 Pre War money is classified as a junk item and has no real value in the game. Pre War money is not completely useless, it can still be exchanged for cloth. This cloth can be used for crafting and selling items that will in turn help the player earn some caps.

Are pre war books valuable in New Vegas?

Pre-War books are a common item within the Mojave Wasteland and can be found inside most occupied dwellings. Although most varieties of pre-War books are worth one bottle cap, a relatively “rare” variety of blue pre-War book is worth five.

Are skill books permanent in New Vegas?

Unlike those of skill magazines, the effects of skill books are permanent: reading a skill book permanently raises the particular skill by three points (four points with the Comprehension perk).

Are magazines permanent in Fallout New Vegas?

There are a total of 228 skill magazines placed in permanent locations, plus 59 in the add-ons (Dead Money, Honest Hearts, Old World Blues, and Lonesome Road). Certain merchants also sell them, providing a limitless source.

How many pre-war books are in the Arlington Library?

10 Pre

Where can I sell pre war money in Fallout 3?

In the first add-on for Fallout: New Vegas, Dead Money, pre-War money can be exchanged for (or from) Sierra Madre chips while inside the Sierra Madre casino.

Who buys pre war books in Fallout 3?

Scribe Yearling

Where is the Arlington Library in Fallout 3?

Arlington Library is easily found by following the Potomac River south past the Citadel, then turning west to follow the road just south. It is directly across from Alexandria Arms and about two miles west-southwest of the Jefferson Memorial.

How do I get the Declaration of Independence in Fallout 3?

The Declaration of Independence is an item found in the ruins of D. C’s National Archives. It can be recovered by the Lone Wanderer for the Rivet City historian Abraham Washington.

How many sugar bombs does Murphy need?

He will pay you 15 caps for each box of Sugar Bombs that you bring him, and an extra 15 (for a total of 30 caps) with a Speech check. For each 8 boxes of Sugar Bombs brought to him, Murphy will also sell the player one ultrajet.

Can you stack magazines in New Vegas?

You can not use more then one. But you can use Drugs to boost the stat that helps to get you an extra +5.

Do skill magazines stack New Vegas?

1 Answer. No. However, as with chems, the durations stack, so if you read 2 mags at a time, they will last twice as long.

Do magazines stack fallout 76?

Multiple issues of each magazine can be collected, but reading duplicate magazines will not stack effects.

Where are skill books in Fallout New Vegas?


Name Closest map marker
Big Book of Science REPCONN headquarters
Big Book of Science Sierra Madre casino
Big Book of Science Y-0 research center
Chinese Army: Special Ops Training Manual Camp Searchlight

Can you get all skills 100 Fallout New Vegas?

It is possible to achieve a functional maximum in roughly ten skills by using skill magazines and the Comprehension perk for a temporary boost to 100 from a base level of 80. With all four DLCs (max level 50) it is possible to max out all skills even with low intelligence.

Is the comprehension perk worth it?

It’s a good perk, but you don’t have to pick if you don’t want to. I pick it pretty much every time but I didn’t this play through. My character is perfectly fine.

What does the big book of science do in Fallout New Vegas?

Characteristics. Reading this book permanently increases the player character’s Science skill by 3 points (4 with the Comprehension perk).

How do I change my level in Fallout New Vegas?

Set your level (“player. setlevel<#>) – You can set level from one to 50 in the game. Level up by one (“Player. advlevel”) – This command levels up the PC by one level.

Is educated a good perk?

Educated is definitely worth it, no doubt, for every single character build. Why wouldn’t you want more skill points by the level (hence why you should get it immediately after you unlock it)? At times, you need to have a high enough skill level right now, not imaginably in the future when you’ve maxed all your levels.

How does the educated perk work?

Like in previous games, this perk works best when obtained early in the game. The perk is more valuable in Fallout: New Vegas, as you get only half the bonus skill points for your INT stat when levelling up. This perk will provide an extra 92 skill points from level 4 to 50.

How many skill books are there in Fallout 3?

324 skill books