What angle has tan?

What angle has tan?

Important Angles: 30°, 45° and 60°

Angle Tan=Sin/Cos
30° 1 √3 = √3 3
45° 1
60° √3

What is the degree of tan?

Deriving the Value of Tan Degrees

Angles (in degrees) 90°
Sin 0 1
Cos 1 0
tan 0 Not Defined

How do you calculate degrees?

For example, if you know that 4 of the angles in a pentagon measure 80, 100, 120, and 140 degrees, add the numbers together to get a sum of 440. Then, subtract this sum from the total angle measure for a pentagon, which is 540 degrees: 540 – 440 = 100 degrees. So, the missing angle is 100 degrees.

What is equal to tan Q?

See also: overview….Trig Functions: The Functions.

sine(q) = opp/hyp csc(q) = 1/sin(q)
tan(q) = sin(q)/cos(q) cot(q) = 1/tan(q)

What is the value of sin (- theta?

trigonometric ratios of minus theta|sin(−Θ)=−sinΘ ,cos(−Θ)=cosΘ

What is the minimum and maximum value of sin theta?

Properties Of The Sine Graph Maximum value of sin θ is 1 when θ = 90 ˚. Minimum value of sin θ is –1 when θ = 270 ˚. So, the range of values of sin θ is –1 ≤ sin θ ≤ 1.

What is the maximum value of sin 2 theta?

Min-Max table

Min value Max value
sin θ, sin 2θ, sin 9θ …. sin nθ -1 +1
cos θ, cos 4θ , cos 7θ … cos nθ
sin2 θ , sin2 4θ , sin2 9θ …sin2 nθ 0 +1
cos2 θ , cos2 3θ , cos2 8θ … cos2 nθ

What is the minimum value of Cosec Theta?

minimum value of cosecθ tends to -∞ but you know, cosecθ is undefined at 0°, 180°, 270°, so, in range of cosecθ isn’t included (-1, 1) values. because cosecθ will be undefined in this range.

What is the maximum value of 1 Cosec Theta?

Answer. Answer: 1/cosec​θ=sinθ. 1/cosecθ has a maximum value of 1.

What is the maximum value of sec theta?


What is the range of SEC Theta?

Also, cos x = 1, if x = – π, π, and cos x = 1, if x = 2π, – 2π. Plot the values of x on the X-axis and the corresponding values of sin x on the Y-axis to get the graph of the function….Domain and Range of Trigonometric Functions.

Function Domain Range
sec θ R – {(2n+1)π/2, n ∈ Z} (– ∞, -1] ∪ [1 , ∞) or, {y: y ∈ R, y ≥ 1 or y ≤ –1}

What is the positive minimum value of secA?

Answer. Answer: Minimum value of sec a and cosec a is 1. As the minimum value will always be sec 0° or cosec 0° which is 1.

What is the positive minimum value of sec theta?

Answer. Answer: At θ = π/2 +ε , sec(θ) = -Infinity; At θ = π , sec(θ) = – 1; At θ = 3π/2 -ε, sec(θ) = -Infinity; Note2: In this interval sec(θ) has a minimum of -Infinity , and a max of -1.