What a monger means?

What a monger means?

1 : broker, dealer —usually used in combination alemonger. 2 : a person who attempts to stir up or spread something that is usually petty or discreditable —usually used in combination warmonger. monger.

What types of mongers are there?

There are several traders in various goods that can be termed “-mongers”:

  • cheesemonger.
  • costermonger (fruit, mostly)
  • fellmonger (a trader in animal skins, or “fells”)
  • fishmonger.
  • ironmonger.
  • lightmonger (a seller of electric lights — see comment)
  • pearmonger.
  • peltmonger (also animal skins)

Is mongering a word?

n. 1. a person who is involved with something in a petty or contemptible way (usu. used in combination): a gossipmonger.

What is hate mongering?

: the act or practice of stirring up hatred or enmity in others In the past, the band has been accused of hatemongering by some critics.

Who is a food monger?

foodmonger (plural foodmongers) (rare) A person who owns food and sells it at retail.

Is attention seeking a mental illness?

Histrionic personality disorder (HPD) is defined by the American Psychiatric Association as a personality disorder characterized by a pattern of excessive attention-seeking behaviors, usually beginning in early childhood, including inappropriate seduction and an excessive desire for approval.

What causes attention seeking?

Attention-seeking behavior may stem from jealousy, low self-esteem, loneliness, or as a result of a personality disorder. If you notice this behavior in you or someone else, a mental health professional can provide diagnosis and treatment options.

How do you deal with an attention seeker?

Here are the five best ways to deal with an attention seeker while keeping drama low.

  1. Pull a slow fade.
  2. Be forward in telling them why you are not interested in talking to them – and let others be aware of it, too.
  3. Set boundaries, and stick to them.
  4. Ignore them.
  5. Jokingly nudge them to STFU.

How do I fix attention seeking behavior?

What To Do About an Attention-Seeking Child

  1. Catch them being good. Give attention for appropriate behavior.
  2. Ignore the misbehavior but not the child. When the child misbehaves, resist the temptation to lecture, nag, scold, yell, or punish.
  3. Be consistent. It’s the only way children know we mean what we say.
  4. Repeat.

How do I stop seeking attention from someone?

Once you become aware of how often you’re seeking approval from others, you can begin to work on yourself from within.

  1. Develop A Greater Sense Of Self-Worth.
  2. Check The Accuracy Of Your Beliefs.
  3. Try To Understand Why You’re Seeking Approval.
  4. Trust Yourself.
  5. Stop Comparing Yourself To Others.
  6. Take A Break From Social Media.

How do you stop trying to get people to like you?

Here, a few ways to start shifting from “people pleaser” to doing things for you:

  1. See Yourself as an Ink Blot. The hard truth: Not everyone is going to like you.
  2. Disapproval Is Normal.
  3. Untangle Your Worth From the ‘Likes’
  4. Just Do It—For You.
  5. Ask Yourself: What Can I Still Do If I’m Not Liked?
  6. Start Small.

Why do I feel the need to be accepted by everyone?

We all want to be liked. The desire for approval, appreciation, and acceptance by others is a normal part of being human. While the desire to be liked is normal, feeling that it’s necessary that everyone likes you and experiencing anxiety and stress when they don’t isn’t.

How can I be liked by everyone?

10 Simple Ways to Make People Like You More

  1. Ask questions. I’ve noticed people who ask questions are often well-liked.
  2. Talk more, not less. A friend of mine is a small business owner and he is extremely well liked.
  3. Give your time…gratis.
  4. Listen better.
  5. Really and truly care.
  6. Admit it, you don’t know everything.
  7. Go for the laugh, every time.
  8. Lighten up.

What do you call someone who likes?

needy adj. 2. Wanting or needing affection, attention, or reassurance, especially to an excessive degree. TFD.

How do I stop getting likes?

Below, some psychologist-endorsed (and actually helpful) tips for caring a little less about being liked.

  1. Think of yourself as an inkblot.
  2. Consider all the things you don’t know.
  3. Pinpoint your biases.
  4. Remember the difference between negative and neutral.
  5. Tell yourself the odds are crushingly against you.

What do you call someone who doesn’t like attention?

Reticent can refer to someone who is restrained and formal, but it can also refer to someone who doesn’t want to draw attention to herself or who prefers seclusion to other people. Don’t confuse reticent with reluctant, which means unwilling. Definitions of reticent. adjective. reluctant to draw attention to yourself.

What can I say instead of enjoy?


  • delight in.
  • derive pleasure.
  • enjoy.
  • indulge.
  • luxuriate.
  • relish.
  • revel.
  • rollick.

What is another way to say enjoy your meal?

Enjoy your meal (or ‘enjoy’) Hope you enjoy what we’ve made for you. Bon appetit.

How do you say to enjoy someone?


  1. like. verb. to enjoy doing something, or to feel that someone or something is pleasant or attractive.
  2. enjoy. verb. to get pleasure from something.
  3. go in for. phrasal verb. to enjoy a particular thing or activity.
  4. delight in. phrasal verb.
  5. savour. verb.
  6. revel in. phrasal verb.
  7. love. verb.
  8. have your fun. phrase.

How do you say you really enjoy something?

7 Ways to Say You Like Something in English

  1. I enjoy it. This verb means to “take delight or pleasure in” something.
  2. I love it.
  3. I am passionate about it.
  4. I am fond of it.
  5. I am a fan of it.
  6. I am interested in it.
  7. I am into it.

How do you say you don’t like something in a nice way?

10 ways to say you don’t like something

  1. I dislike it. The most similar way of saying “I don’t like it”.
  2. I’m not into it. This sentence is more casual.
  3. I’m not fond of it. “To be fond of” means having a liking for or love of something or someone.
  4. I’m not crazy about it.
  5. I don’t appreciate that.
  6. It doesn’t tickle my fancy.
  7. I’m disinterested in that.
  8. That’s not for me.

What’s another way to say I like you?

Creative Ways to Say “I Love You”

  • How did you become the utterly amazing person that you are?
  • I have feelings for you.
  • I’m fond of you.
  • I’m so excited that we have so much time to be with each other.
  • You make my soul sing when you walk into the room.
  • You’ve got what I need.
  • I miss you.
  • I’ll always choose you.

What is another way to say I am interested in?


  1. i would be interested.
  2. i should be interested.
  3. dabbled.
  4. i have an interest.
  5. i would be interested to know.
  6. would interest me.
  7. dabble.
  8. have a stake.

How do you describe someone who is interested?

In this page you can discover 84 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for interested, like: stimulated, intrigued, attracted, keen-on, engaged, fascinated, involved, personally interested in, enthusiastic, taken and attentive.

How do you say I’m interested in a job?

Thank you for reaching out about this opportunity. I’m grateful to be considered. I am currently looking for a new position, so this is great timing. While I’m excited about the work that [Potential employer name] does, I’m not looking for a position as [Job title they contacted you about].

Is keen a slang word?

The word keen can also be used as a slang term meaning wonderful or splendid, and this is how it’s used in the phrase peachy keen, which is used as an informal and playful way to describe something as excellent or wonderful.