What 8 letter word can have a letter taken away and still be a word?

What 8 letter word can have a letter taken away and still be a word?

The Brainliest Answer! Hello friend !!! 8 letter word can have a letter taken away and it still makes a word. Take another letter away and it still makes a word.

What five letter word stays the same when you take away?

TrythTryth is the five letter word stays the same when you take away the first, third, and last letter.

What 8 letter word has 1 letter in it?

What 8-letter word has one letter in it? Envelope.

TrythTryth is the five letter word stays the same when you take away the first, third, and last letter. Already the first letter is a silent word, so it will not make the word go meaningless.

What word gets longer by removing a letter?

LoungerWhat 7-letter word becomes longer when you remove a letter? Lounger (remove the 'u' to make the word longer).

LoungerWhat 7-letter word becomes longer when you remove a letter? Lounger (remove the 'u' to make the word longer). Lounger (remove the 'u' to make the word longer).