What 7 letter word is spelled the same forwards and backwards?

What 7 letter word is spelled the same forwards and backwards?

Originally Answered: What 7-letter word is spelled the same backwards and forwards? Some examples of seven letter palindromic words are: redivider (8), deified and reviver. (racecar is two words). An emordnilap (palindrome spelled backwards) is a word that has a different meaning in reverse.

What do you call a word that reads the same both ways?

The answer is "Palindrome", because a palindrome is a word, phrase, verse, or sentence that reads the same backward or forward.

What is the longest palindrome sentence?

Norvig claims that his generated text, currently 17,259 words in length, is “the longest palindromic sentence ever created.” Well … 0wn3d. Here is a palindromic sentence that is 40,000 words long.

Which vehicle is spelled forward and backward?

RacecarRacecar. Everyone has heard of the famous palindrome example of “racecar,” which is spelled the same backwards and forwards.

What time is spelled the same forwards and backwards riddle?

Question 1 : What time of the day is the same when spelled forward and backward ? Answer : What you're looking for is a palindrome. The word is NOON.

What word is spelled the same way front and backwards riddle?

What 7 letter word is spelled the same way backwards and forwards? Answer: Racecar.


What 7 letter word is spelled the same forwards and backwards?

What 7 letter word is spelled the same forwards and backwards?


How many 4 letter palindromes are there?

69 4

What are the six letter words?

6-letter words

  • abroad.
  • accept.
  • access.
  • across.
  • acting.
  • action.
  • active.
  • actual.

How many 3 Letter words are there in English?

1,065 three

What is a 5 letter word?

5-letter words

  • about.
  • above.
  • abuse.
  • actor.
  • acute.
  • admit.
  • adopt.
  • adult.

What is the most pleasing five letter word?


How many 5 letter words are in the English language?

12478 five

What do you call a word that starts and ends with the same letter?


What starts with an and ends with a?

Words starting with A and ending with A

  • Agammaglobulinemia.
  • Antischizophrenia.
  • Adenocarcinomata.
  • Archaebacteria 2). Achondroplasia 3). Adenocarcinoma.
  • Astrocytomata 2). Antepenultima 3). Antimarijuana 4).
  • Ailurophobia 2). Aerenchymata 3). Achlorhydria 4).
  • Archesporia 2). Albuminuria 3).
  • Adventitia 2). Aerenchyma 3).

What four letter words end in a?

4-letter words ending with A

AAAA aada
APTA aqua
arba ARCA
area aria
arna arpa

What 3 letter words end in a?

3-letter words ending with A

aaa aba
aua ava
awa aya
aza baa

What’s a 3 letter word that ends with I?

3-letter words ending with I

ISI iwi
jai kai
khi koi

What 5 letter word ends with a?

5-letter words ending with A

abaca abada
Agana agila
agita agora
agria Ahtna
Ahura ainga