Should you stretch a pulled groin?

Should you stretch a pulled groin?

Groin Strain Exercises. You can begin stretching your groin muscles right away. Stretch gently and avoid any pain. If you have pain while doing these exercises, you should not do them.

When should I worry about groin pain?

Talk to your doctor about your symptoms if you have moderate to severe pain in your groin or testicles for more than a few days. Contact your doctor immediately if you: notice physical changes in the testicles, such as lumps or swelling. notice blood in your urine.

How long does a groin tear take to heal?

A mild groin strain may recover within a few weeks, whereas a severe injury may take 6 weeks or longer to recover. You need to stop doing the activities that cause pain until the groin has healed. If you continue doing activities that cause pain, your symptoms will return and it will take longer to recover.

When should I see a doctor for a groin injury?

Most cases of groin pain do not require medical attention. However, you should see a doctor if you experience severe, prolonged pain accompanied by fever or swelling. These symptoms may indicate a more serious condition. Your doctor will evaluate your symptoms and ask about any recent physical activity.

Can a groin strain get worse?

The two most common sports-related hip injuries are a labral tear, which can be caused by sudden stops and turns on the field and cause pain in the groin area, and a stress fracture, which are hairline cracks in the bone that can get worse over time. The pain can get so bad that it can even hurt to sit down.

Can a groin injury be permanent?

If you start pushing yourself before your groin has healed, further injury may occur. Repeated pulled groins may take longer to heal or even become a permanent problem.

How do I know if I strained my groin?

However, recurrent episodes of groin pain, or pain that gets worse over time, might be the result of an underlying hip problem. Common hip disorders associated with groin pain include: labral tears, cartilage damage inside the joint, hip impingement problems and arthritis.

How do I know if I have a hernia or a pulled groin?

It's painful to run, spring, cut, pivot, kick or twist; it's a sharp pain concentrated in the groin region. Like a pulled groin, it's usually isolated to one side of the groin. Pain radiates down into the inner thigh and may even occur with coughing and sneezing.

Is it possible to pull a muscle in your groin?

Groin strain affects any one of a group of muscles at the top of the thigh. The muscle can be partially or completely torn, which can cause considerable pain and discomfort. For a serious strain, physical therapy may be needed, and a person is often given exercises to do.

What is the sharp stabbing pain in my groin?

One of the ligaments is called the round ligament. This ligament, at the front of your groin, typically expands and contracts slowly while you move. A strain or tear of this ligament can result in an intense, sometimes stabbing pain on either side of your groin, including the left side.