Should you send a girl home on the first date?

Should you send a girl home on the first date?

“Yes, it's a gentlemanly thing to do.” Send your date home at the end of the first date, even if she lives in Yishun. After all, she stayed out late to hang out with you. The least you could do is make sure that she arrives home safely. It's basic courtesy and a gentlemanly thing to do.

How do you bring a girl home from a date?

Don't let her sit down. From the moment you first meet her to start the date until the moment you decide she's ready to come back to your place, keep her on her feet. It's that simple. The first time she takes a seat during the date should be on the couch in your apartment – or better yet, on your bed.

Is it OK to sleep with someone on the first date?

The truth is this: Sleeping with someone on the first date is not a bad thing. That said, there's no pressure to have sex with someone on the first date. But if you're feeling it, no one should judge you for getting yours after some drinks. If a date ends with sex, you should consider yourself lucky.