Should you cover firewood with a tarp?

Should you cover firewood with a tarp?

Properly seasoned firewood has a moisture content of less than 20%. Stack firewood so that it is exposed to sun and wind for drying. Leave wood stacks for at least 6 months while the wood cures. Cover the wood stacks with a tarp or shelter to prevent rain from soiling wood.

Can firewood get rained on?

First realize that firewood has two qualities when it relates to moisture. Seasoned wood that is sitting in water will get wet, and won't burn well. Much like green wood, it can burn assuming it is not waterlogged. A passing rain is not going to have a significant impact on firewood that is not laying in a puddle.

Can I store firewood in my garage?

It's recommended that firewood be stacked at least 20 to 30 feet away from the exterior of the home to keep pests away. If you're concerned about keeping snow and moisture off the wood, keep the firewood securely covered outside rather than having it sit in the garage or basement attached to your home.

Is it OK to leave firewood uncovered?

Ideally, firewood should remain uncovered so it can be properly dried, but this is not practical when rain, snow and ice can quickly coat winter firewood. A good cover over the top of your woodpile will protect it, and be sure the cover is slanted to shed moisture away from the pile's base.

Should I cover my firewood?

How long will firewood last if covered?

With the conditions you have described you should be able to store the firewood outside for approximately 3 or 4 years before you have any issues with mold or decay. I normally keep my firewood on a three year rotation which works really well but there are A LOT of variables that determine how long the wood will last.

Does firewood dry in the winter?

Yes, most firewood will season, or dry during winter months; maybe not as fast, but faster than many would believe. Live trees do not “freeze solid” during the winter; if they did, they would die as expanding water destroyed cell structure.

How do you dry firewood quickly?

For outdoor storage, stack firewood away from other structures. Leaving both the front and back open allows for proper circulation of air allowing the wood to dry. Dried firewood can be stored inside against a wall or other dry place. Choose a sunny spot to store your outdoor wood stack.

What is the best way to stack firewood?

Stack wood in a single row, out of the shade, with enough space between the pieces to allow air to pass through. This exposes more wood to sunlight and breeze, which helps dry it out faster. When stacking, use a crisscross pattern to make pillars at each end for stability.

Does firewood season come in the winter?

Can I store firewood in my basement?

Finally, if you do keep firewood inside, try not to store it in a damp basement or garage. While most of the lumber in a home is too dry for most insects' tastes, wood with any moisture in it can be a tempting treat.

How can I get free firewood?

Websites like Craigslist, The Freecycle Network, and Facebook Marketplace, can be used to find people who have no use for firewood and would love for you to take it off their hands. You can do this by either posting your own ad or looking for ads put up by others.

How do you protect firewood from rain?

To protect your firewood from snow or rain, you can use a firewood cover. Make sure to leave the front and back of the stack fully open until it's aged so the ends of the wood can breathe.

How far away from the house should you store firewood?

Orkin Pest Control suggests storing firewood "at least five feet or more away from the foundation of the home." The farther away from the home and surrounding homes and structures, the better. Additionally, store the firewood on top of racks or platforms raised above the ground.

Does bark burn better than wood?

Click this bar to view the full image. From over 30 years of experience with heating my house with wood, I know that with equally sized pieces; old growth Douglas fir bark puts out way more heat than the wood, and it gives a longer burn time in the stove.

How can you tell if firewood is seasoned?

To identify well seasoned wood, check the ends of the logs. If they are dark in colour and cracked, they are dry. Dry seasoned wood is lighter in weight than wet wood and makes a hollow sound when hitting two pieces together. If there is any green colour visible or bark is hard to peel, the log is not yet dry.