Should I use iMessage or SMS?

Should I use iMessage or SMS?

All text, picture and video messages are free. iMessage can often be quicker than SMS Messaging. It sends high quality photos, as opposed to the compressed pictures received through MMS messages. It maintains group conversations, so everyone replies to everyone in a group.

What is the advantage of iMessage?

iMessage is faster than SMS or MMS: SMS and MMS messages are sent using different technology than your iPhone uses to connect to the internet. You can send photos and other large files a lot faster using iMessage than you can using MMS messages.

What is the benefit of iMessage?

Does iMessage cost money?

iMessage is free and unlimited but iMessage is only free for texting others over Wi-Fi using an iOS device or Mac with iMessage anywhere in the world and at home. So all iMessage texts are free over WiFi but regular (green) texts are not free with WiFi.

What is the point of using iMessage?

iMessage allows users to send texts, documents, photos, videos, contact information, and group messages over the Internet to other iOS or macOS users. iMessage is an alternative to the SMS and MMS messaging for most users with devices running iOS 5 or later.

How secure is iMessage?

With watchOS, iOS, and iPadOS, your messages are encrypted on your device so they can't be accessed without your passcode. iMessage and FaceTime are designed so that there's no way for Apple to read your messages when they're in transit between devices.

Why are some of my texts green and some blue?

If you're communicating between two Apple devices with iMessage enabled, you'll see blue messages. If you're communicating with any device that doesn't use iMessage—like an Android phone, or an iPhone that doesn't have iMessage turned on—you'll see green messages.

Is iMessage considered a text message?

iMessage messages are not sent via your wireless provider, whether it be Verizon, AT&T, Orange or any other provider. These messages are managed and delivered by Apple, and as such have no impact on your text (SMS) or multimedia (MMS) messaging plans through your provider.

Why are iMessages green?

A green background means that the message is being exchanged with a non-iOS device (Android, Windows phone and so on) and was delivered via SMS through your mobile provider. A green background can also mean that a text message sent from an iOS device could not be sent via iMessage for some reason.

Why do I get iMessage and text message?

When you send an iMessage, Apple will route that message through their servers using an Internet connection. This Internet connection can be either Wi-Fi or your cellular provider's data network. If no Internet connection is available, the Messages app may attempt to deliver the iMessage as a regular SMS text message.

Do iMessages show up on your phone bill?

No, iMessages don't show on your bill. They are sent as data. You'll see how much data you used over the month. But, there will be no detailed information about individual iMessages.

Do you have to use iMessage on iPhone?

Answer: A: iMessage is Apple's free internet messaging service. If you choose to not sign in with your AppleID and create an iMessage account, you can still use the iOS messaging app on your iPhone to send and receive conventional SMS and MMS text messages handled by your cellular telephone service provider.

Can you turn off iMessage for just one person?

iMessage is a single setting that can be toggled on or off. Disable iMessage when messaging your contact, then re-enable it when your conversation is over or you'd like to use iMessage again. To do this, visit Settings > Messages, then toggle off iMessage. Toggle it back on when you're ready to re-enable iMessage.

Can you use iMessage without data?

If you're connected to Wi-Fi, you can send iMessages without using your cellular data or text messaging plan. iMessage is faster than SMS or MMS: SMS and MMS messages are sent using different technology than your iPhone uses to connect to the internet.

What does it mean when it says iMessage?

iMessage is a free service from Apple that enables users of iOS-powered devices to send text messages over Wi-Fi from mobile devices like the iPhone and iPod touch. In addition to sending text messages, iMessage also supports sending photos, videos, Web links, contacts and location information.

What are iMessages on iPhone?

iMessage. iMessages are texts, photos, or videos that you send to another iPhone, iPad, iPod touch, or Mac over Wi-Fi or cellular-data networks. These messages are always encrypted and appear in blue text bubbles. To turn iMessage on or off, go to Settings > Messages.

Should SMS be turned on or off on iPhone?

So when iMessage sends one of your messages as a text message, it can be frustrating and end up costing you some money. You can prevent this from happening by turning off the Send as SMS option in the Messages settings screen on your iOS device.

Does iMessage cost money without WiFi?