Should I put topsoil over grass seed?

Should I put topsoil over grass seed?

Spreading topsoil across your yard may seem like a simple way to protect your newly spread grass seeds from hungry birds, but these small seeds cannot force their way through heavy earth. In fact, a topsoil layer effectively suffocates your lawn before it even has a chance to grow.

Do I need topsoil for grass seed?

It's not necessary to buy new topsoil or any special form of soil to cover your newly planted grass seed. If you spend time to prepare the soil you have, your new grass seeds will sprout. First, the pH of the soil needs to be between 6.2 and 7.o.

What is the best top dressing for lawns?

Sand is sometimes used as a topdressing material on lawns with heavy, clay soils or drainage problems. Usually applied after aerating, the sand fills in the holes and over time can alter the structure of the soil to allow for better drainage and a healthier grass.

Can I add topsoil to my existing lawn?

You can add topsoil to an existing lawn — and in some cases, you should. Adding a layer of topsoil to your lawn is called "topdressing," and it's a technique you can use to improve the look of your grass. It's important you prepare correctly and choose the right type of soil for a great-looking lawn.

How soon after overseeding can I mow?

In general, however, you should not do any mowing during the first two weeks to four weeks after planting the new grass seeds. They should not be disturbed while root establishment occurs. ​As for how much you should cut, you should typically mow at least three inches high.

Can I put topsoil over existing lawn?

You can add topsoil to an existing lawn — and in some cases, you should. Adding a layer of topsoil to your lawn is called "topdressing," and it's a technique you can use to improve the look of your grass. It's important you prepare correctly and choose the right type of soil for a great-looking lawn.

How do I topsoil and seed my lawn?

Ideally, do it in early fall or spring since you'll want to give your grass time to grow through 3-4 more mowings before severe heat or cold, especially if you are overseeding. It can be done all at once, or in stages.

Is it good to put sand on your lawn?

Sand is used because people think it will improve air space, water infiltration and drainage. These are important goals, but topdressing a lawn with sand doesn't help achieve them. No matter what your soil is composed of, putting sand on top can actually cause drainage problems and dry pockets in the soil.

Do you have to aerate your lawn before seeding?

Many people aerate their lawn right before overseeding, but it isn't really necessary. But you should overseed in the early or middle of fall when lawn weeds are entering dormancy. That way the new grass can become established before its competition.

Will grass seed grow in top dressing?

You can apply grass seed to your lawn either before or after you top dress it. This is because you avoid compromising how evenly spread your grass seed is. Some literature will say that you can mix seed in with your top dressing but this can result in uneven and unnatural looking grass growth.

Do I need to top dress when overseeding?

If the lawn is in poorer condition, overseeding alone will not be enough and it's better to start again with a new lawn or an alternative to grass. Aerating and top-dressing a lawn can be great preparation for overseeding, but it's not necessary.