Should I own a laptop?

Should I own a laptop?

Convenience. One of the reasons to buy a laptop is because they are portable. Since you can take them almost anywhere they are convenient to have. Plus, having a laptop with you helps you manage your time productively if you have work that needs to be done.

Why do we use laptop?

The advent of laptops provided a convenient and portable alternative to personal computers. Whether it's for school, work, storing particular files, recording music or even gaming, there are many reasons to choose a laptop. Some own a desktop computer for recreation and choose to keep a laptop for work related files.

Are laptops bad for posture?

When you're looking at the contents of your computer screen, you adjust your head so your eyes can see it properly. Your body is good at adapting and ignoring bad posture, so using your laptop for a long time can cause the neck and back pain.

Do cooling pads work for laptops?

From our tests, we can see that laptop cooling pads actually do work and help to lower temperatures. And lower temperatures translate to better performance and less throttling. They are cheap to buy. They make a remarkable difference in thermal performance.