Should I mist my fiddle leaf fig?

Should I mist my fiddle leaf fig?

The ideal humidity for a fiddle leaf fig is between 30 and 65 percent. If you live in a very dry climate, you may need to supplement your plant with extra humidity by misting it or providing a humidifier (we recommend this one). Be sure not to put your fiddle leaf fig near a heater vent, which will dry out your plant.

Do fiddle leaf figs like coffee grounds?

9: Place coffee grounds on the top of the soil. When my friend told me this I was like,” say what now” but I looked it up and so many fellow fiddle leaf growers have said that new leaves sprouted in a week or two of adding the coffee grounds.

How do I know if my fiddle leaf fig needs water?

How do I tell when my Fiddle Leaf Fig Tree needs water? Once you've established that the top few inches of soil have dried, the easiest way to tell if your Fiddle Leaf needs water is to look at the leaves. If the leaves are not rigid and upright, and they start to look floppy, they're telling you they need water.

How do I know if my fiddle leaf fig is dying?

If you see black or brown spots on your plant and its dropping leaves, take a look at your drainage and lighting situation immediately. Too large of a container, the wrong soil, and too much water can lead to root rot in a fiddle leaf fig. Lack of sunlight makes these conditions worse.

Do fiddle leaf figs like to be root bound?

Fiddle Leaf Figs are jungle dwellers that like rich, well-drained soil. We recommend E.B. Check the bottom of the pot to see if the roots are growing out of the drainage holes or gently pull the plant from its pot and look for roots that grow in a dense circle.

How often do fiddle leaf figs grow new leaves?

A healthy fiddle leaf fig tree should be putting out new leaves every 4 to 6 weeks during the growing season. Growth tends to be in spurts, where the plant will grow 2 to 4 new leaves in a matter of a few days.