Should I choke up on my golf club?

Should I choke up on my golf club?

In fact, choking up can actually help non-pros gain distance. Consider choking up on the golf club if you struggle with accuracy, or if the club feels difficult to control during the swing. Experiment by gripping the club at different lengths from the top until you feel comfortable and hit straighter, more solid shots.

Does a heavier golf club hit the ball farther?

That's right, make your club heavier to hit the ball farther. If you can make square contact with the ball in the optimal spot on your driver golf club, you stand a chance of hitting the ball farther consistently.

Should I choke down on my driver?

Choking down on your driver is also a good method when you need to play a tee shot into the wind. The speed of your swing will be reduced when you choke down, which means your spin rate should be reduced as well.

Should I shorten my driver shaft?

When fitting a driver, it's important to get loft, lie, shaft, and grip sorted, but better driving may be hiding in a shorter shaft. In fact, a shorter shaft should help you find the sweet spot more often and may even add distance.

Should I extend my golf clubs?

YOU DON'T NEED LONGER GOLF CLUBS*. Getting to the point: length of your clubs has nothing to do with your height. It's actually your wrist-to-floor measurement that matters most.

Does choking down on golf club change swing weight?

Choking down lightens the club's swing weight and effectively makes the shaft stiffer. It also makes it difficult to hit the ball high enough for all situations.

What happens if golf clubs are too long?

Physically, we reach maximum speed when our arms are “straight.” If a club is too long, prohibiting our arms from straightening out, then we will very likely decelerate into impact and the clubface cannot square itself up. Longer length does not mean farther distance!

How do I know if my golf clubs are the right size?

To find the right size clubs for your body, use recent height measurement to determine the proper angle for your clubs. It usually helps to have another person measure, so you get the most accurate measurements possible. Measure your basic height from the top of your head to the bottom of your feet.

Should shorter golfers choke up?

This is an obvious one but many golfers who are around 5'8” choke down to reduce the length of the club and have great results. No problem with that. If it works, go for it. But always remember to keep the swing smooth and silky.

Does shortening a golf shaft make it stiffer?

A shorter shaft is typically stiffer than a longer one. This enables them to keep the same length club but have a slightly stiffer shaft near the ball. Cutting a club from the butt end will have somewhat the opposite effect, making the shaft stiffer overall but shorter as well.

Do shorter golfers need shorter clubs?

Get clubs that fit properly: Standard, off-the-rack clubs are made for golfers of average build, around 5'8” or 5'9”. Shorter golfers are often better served with shorter clubs, while the lie angle (how the club sits on the ground) may also need tweaking.

What happens if golf clubs are too short?

If the clubs are too short they'll offer a more accurate performance but they can also hinder distance. Are my clubs too long? If they are, then your swings will be less accurate. This will cause the ball to pull.

What length of golf clubs do I need?

If you have purchased a set of used golf clubs that are too long, you can quickly cut them down to size with a hand-held rotary tool. You can also resize your old clubs and pass them on to your children. The shaft of a golf club is narrower at the head end to generate power on the swing.

How much does it cost to have golf clubs fitted?

In many instances, you can get fitted at a golf center for $200-$300. In many instances, if you purchase the new clubs from the golf center, they will reduce the cost to $100-$150.