Should I ask to kiss her or just do it?

Should I ask to kiss her or just do it?

None of them wanted to give their names, but one admitted he had asked for permission to kiss a woman – though he would not recommend it. "Never ask to kiss a girl, just do it. "Your first kiss should arise out of the situation because you both want it. It's something you feel, not something you sign a contract on."

How do you ask for a kiss without saying it?

Give her the chance to move in or gracefully bow back out. If she isn't feeling it and doesn't want to kiss, she'll say no and lean away. Move in slowly. Let her come part way, meeting you for the kiss.

How do you ask a girl for a kiss?

If she is nervous and you feel like the time is right to kiss her, catching her off-guard by kissing her might take the edge off and pleasantly surprise her — and you! Work up to the kiss by flirting. Touch her hand gently when you're talking to her; compliment her eyes or hair; or stare longingly into her eyes.