Is Zanzibar a country?

Is Zanzibar a country?

Is Zanzibar a country? It's a partly self-governing state in Tanzania; it's not an independent country. The archipelago was once the separate state of Zanzibar, which united with Tanganyika to form the United Republic of Tanzania. Zanzibar is a semi-autonomous within the union, with its own government.

What is a person from Zanzibar called?

The people of Zanzibar are known as Zanzibaris and their native language is Kiswahili, commonly known internationally as Swahili. Zanzibar used to be the world's largest producer of cloves, and its history was heavily influenced by the this activity. Zanzibar is popularly known as the "spice islands.”

Which side of Zanzibar is better?

Zanzibar North-east Coast: the island's prime location, most of Zanzibar's top-end accommodation is set on the north-east beaches. The diving is excellent here, there's not much tidal variation and the archipelago's best reefs of Mnemba Island lie about a kilometre or half a mile offshore.

Which country colonized Zanzibar?

In 1890, Zanzibar became a British protectorate. The death of one sultan and the succession of another of whom the British did not approve later led to the Anglo-Zanzibar War, also known as the shortest war in history. The islands gained independence from Britain in December 1963 as a constitutional monarchy.