Is wikiHow reliable?

Is wikiHow reliable?

wikiHow is a trusted knowledge resource for over 150 million monthly visitors spanning 230 countries. Here's how Fastly's edge cloud platform helps them meet growing user expectations by providing the most up-to-date articles in real time.

Who does the wikiHow art?

That's why, according to the internet personality and artist Leon Chang, “the wikihow illustrator is the greatest artist of our time.” Of course, there isn't just one wikiHow illustrator.

How many wikiHow articles are there?

As of February 2015, wikiHow contains over 180,000 how-to articles.

How does wikiHow work?

wikiHow is an online wiki-style community. It consists of an extensive database of how-to guides. The website aims to create the world's most helpful how-to instructions that help to enable to learn how to do anything. It is an open source and open content project.

Who writes wikiHow articles?

It turns out, OneZero has found, that wikiHow sources its graphics from freelance artists around the globe, primarily concentrated in the Philippines. Freelancers told OneZero they had been recruited through contract work sites like Upwork and Indeed, and in one case described pay as low as $. 40 per image.