Is Volturi a real word?

Is Volturi a real word?

Definitions: vulture.

Are the Volturi good or bad?

20 They’re seen as a force for peace. It’s true; Edward really does describe the Volturi as peaceful to Bella, though this was before they went after Renesmee. Before Breaking Dawn, nearly the entire vampire world thought of the Volturi as a necessity for maintaining peace among vampires.

Why does ARO say such a prize?

Caius still wants to fight, because after all the Cullens are consorting with these wolves, but Aro is all, nope! So the Volturi leave, with Aro glancing back longingly at Bella and Alice and sighing “such a prize,” (just to leave that threat hanging in case they want to make more movies someday.)

Why does Renesmee bite Bella?

Bella was dying from giving birth to Renesmee because her body could not take the trauma of the baby being ripped from her body. This is why Edward stood by ready to inject Bella’s heart with his own venom and why immediately bit her in as many places as he could, to keep her from dying.

Who married Renesmee?

She comes to care deeply for Jacob, though less than she loves Edward. At the end of Eclipse, she becomes engaged to Edward Cullen (who is still physically 17), and they marry in Breaking Dawn, on August 13th one month prior to her 19th birthday.

How did the Cullens get so rich?

Carlisle Cullen earned his wealth through compound interest and several shrewd long-term investments with significant help from Alice, whose precognitive abilities allowed the family to predict changes in the stock market and invest accordingly.

Who is the oldest Cullen?


Why are the Cullens eyes yellow?

If he/she were to return to a diet of animal blood, his/her eyes would become dark gold, and a lighter golden color, if they were to continue on animal blood. As a vampire’s thirst grows, his/her eyes grow darker with it, until they at last become a coal black. In contrast, as vampires feed, their eyes become lighter.

What color eyes do werewolves have?

Werewolves, like Löwenmenschen and Werecoyotes, have glowing irises that vary in color based on their rank and status; Betas and Omegas will have gold eyes if they have never taken an innocent human life and will have blue eyes if they have taken innocent human life.

What Colour eyes do vampires have?

When blood has not been consumed in two weeks, a vampires eyes turn black. They go from being their natural colour (red or gold depending on their diet), and darken as they get thirstier and when they finally reach 2 weeks, a vampires eyes become a completely black colour.

Why do vampires have red eyes?

In the “Twilight Saga” mythos, vampires with red eyes indicate that the vampire has eaten human blood, which is why James’ coven has red eyes as well as the Volturi. If a vampire has only had animal blood (“vegetarianism” as the Cullens say), like Edward’s family, their eyes would be golden.

Do vampires have green eyes?

Vampires are mostly having blood red eyes, or in case of Underworld movie serie it was a light blue. The thing is, as vampires are mythical monsters, whoever writes about them, can make them how he want, so it is possible that in some book they do have green eyes. but in most cases they don’t.

Can vampires sleep?

First things first, they do not sleep. From a human point of view, vampires are technically dead because their hearts do not beat, which means their body does not necessarily need rest. If you are dating a vampire, you will see that they have a never-ending amount of energy.

Does a vampire bite hurt?

The bite can be painful but also pleasurable based on how deep they bite. For examples, some people like hickeys while some dont. In the comics and show, people who feel pleasure from vampire bites and go to vampire every other day to feel this experience. The vampires feed on them in exchange for money.

Can vampires fall in love with humans?

Real life vampires are still humans after all, so definitely yes, they can fall in love with other people, I can fall in love with someone, well, is a bit harder since I’m picky, but still, vampires can fall in love with humans.

What do you call a female vampire?

Noun. vampiress (plural vampiresses) A female vampire.

Do vampires feel love?

Try as they might, they will never know what love is. Intimacy is about getting up close and personal, sure, but vampires can be intimate with a mortal (or each other) without feeling love as a human might. The only thing that truly gives a vampire pleasure here is hot, sweet, nourishing blood.

Can a human turn into a vampire?

A person may become a vampire in a variety of ways, the most common of which is to be bitten by a vampire. Other methods include sorcery, committing suicide, contagion, or having a cat jump over a person’s corpse.