Is Vermicast a fertilizer?

Is Vermicast a fertilizer?

Vermicast (also called worm castings, worm humus, worm manure, or worm faeces) is the end-product of the breakdown of organic matter by earthworms. Vermicompost contains water-soluble nutrients and is an excellent, nutrient-rich organic fertilizer and soil conditioner.

Is vermicompost good for all plants?

Vermicomposting can be suitable for most plants in almost any situation. It gives you an easy way to get rid of food scraps and you'll have an excellent organic fertilizer to use in your garden, flower beds, or potted plants. There are also other benefits to consider when determining where to use the vermicompost.

Which earthworm is used in vermicomposting?

Can Any Type of Earthworm be Used for Vermicomposting? The best types of worms for vermicomposting are red wigglers (Eisenia fetida) and redworms (Lumbricus rubellus). These two species make great worms for the compost bin because they prefer a compost environment to plain soil, and they are very easy to keep.

How do you use Vermicast fertilizer?

GARDENS: Use vermicast fertilizer from Dirt Dynasty much like compost, lightly digging it into the topsoil around plants. Blend it with regular compost. This fertilizer will generally be best with a 50% blend. You can use more, but the results will not necessarily improve with the added quantity.

How do you use Vermicast soil?

Mix a ratio of 1:4 vermicompost to potting soil. You can also use vermicompost to make "worm tea" liquid fertilizer to sprinkle near the roots of plants. Mix two tablespoons of castings with a quart of water and let it stand for a day, shaking it occasionally.

Which is better vermicompost or compost?

Vermicomposting harnesses the power of worms to break down organic matter quickly. However, “hot” composting produces more heat than vermicomposting and hardly attracts a few wild worms. Worm castings contain five times more nitrogen, seven times more phosphorus and 11 times more potassium than ordinary soil.

What is the NPK of worm castings?

Nutrients are readily available to plant material over a greater length of time and will not burn even the most delicate plants. Analysis of earthworm castings reveals that they are rich in iron, sulfur, calcium, nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium (NPK rating: 5.5.

Does vermicompost contain nitrogen?

Vermicompost is rich in NKP (nitrogen 2-3%, potassium 1.85-2.25% and phosphorus 1.55-2.25%), micronutrients, beneficial soil microbes and also contain 'plant growth hormones & enzymes'.

Do worms like potato peels?

So, it should come as no surprise that compost worms avoid the potato peels they're served. However, like all organic matter, potatoes will eventually break down and become transformed. As far as best practices go, potatoes are better thrown into the hot compost pile rather than into the worm bin.

What is the use of Vermicast?

Vermicast is considered a soil conditioner and is often used as a natural fertilizer in rough soils. Worms are considered nature's recyclers, concentrating the important plant nutrients such as nitrogen, potassium, phosphorus and calcium into forms that are much more available to plants than those in the raw materials.

How can I vermicompost at home?

Worm castings have much higher percentages of humus than either soil or compost, which helps the castings hold more water and stay aerated, while also providing binding sites for micronutrients that would otherwise wash out of soil during heavy rains. Worm bin bedding. Feeding the worms. Worm castings vs.

How do you get worms for vermicompost?

Instead, you need redworms — Eisenia foetida (also known as red wiggler, brandling or manure worm) and Lumbricus rubellus (manure worm). You can buy worms from sites like (We sell 1 pound of red worms — roughly 1,000 — for $35.50, shipping included.)

Is worm castings same as compost?

The answer is that worm castings are biologically and chemically different from compost or soil. Worm castings also host ten to twenty times as much microorganism activity as plain soil.

How do you mix vermicompost with soil?

Mix a ratio of 1:4 vermicompost to potting soil. You can also use vermicompost to make "worm tea" liquid fertilizer to sprinkle near the roots of plants. Mix two tablespoons of castings with a quart of water and let it stand for a day, shaking it occasionally.

What is vermicompost short answer?

Vermicompost is the end product of a process called vermicomposting, which uses earthworms to increase the speed of the composting process and ensure higher-quality compost. Vermicast, also known as worm castings, is the excrement from the worms, minus the rest of the compost.

What are the steps for vermicomposting?

The non-producers were farmers with few of them vermicompost users. The total cost of production was Rs. 15.68 per kg compost and was Rs. 0.40 per earthworm.

What is earthworm farming?

Worm farming involves feeding organic waste to special breeds of worm that thrive in decomposing matter. The worm castings (worm poo) are harvested as a rich garden manure and organic liquid fertiliser (worm tea) can be harvested.

What nutrients are in vermicompost?

a) High levels of bio-available nutrients for plants: Vermicompost contains most nutrients in plant-available forms such as 'nitrates' (N), 'phosphates' (P), 'soluble' potassium (K), & magnesium (Mg) and 'exchangeable' phosphorus (P) & calcium' (Ca) (70 & 73).

What type of waste is used in vermicomposting?

Organic wastes that have been used successfully in vermicomposting include animal manures, sewage sludge, food production wastes, and horticultural residues. Small-scale vermicomposting is becoming popular for reduction of household wastes such as kitchen scraps and yard trimmings.

How do you make vermicompost worm tea?

Put roughly 4 to 6 cups of finished worm castings (without a tea bag) into a 5 gallon bucket. I never measure, just throw in a few handfuls of vermicompost. Add 4 gallons of water (rain or well water is best because it is not chlorinated but city water will work).

Can earthworms be used for composting?

Earthworms speed up the composting process, aerate the organic material in the bin, and enhance the finished compost with nutrients and enzymes from their digestive tracts. The best kind of earthworms to use are red worms, also known as "red wigglers" and "manure worms".

Is mushroom compost good for worms?

As bedding for the worms to live in, he's using fresh mushroom compost – however, garden compost, coconut fibre or a little bit of garden soil will also work. They are good for soil improvement – not for farming." He puts the worms into the middle box and adds a variety of food.

Are worm castings a complete fertilizer?

Worm castings are the richest natural fertilizer known to humans. Worm Castings are packed with minerals that are essential for plant growth, such as concentrated nitrates, phosphorus, magnesium, potassium and calcium.

What is Vermiwash?

Vermiwash is a liquid that is collected after the passage of water through a column of worm action and is very useful as a foliar spray. It is a collection of excretory products and mucus secretion of earthworms along with micronutrients from the soil organic molecules.

How does vermicomposting help the environment?

How does vermicomposting help the environment? Vermicomposting lets us recycle just like nature does. A vermicompost bin mimics natural processes, allowing organic waste to break down into nutrient-rich compost, which can be returned to the soil to help new things grow. Leachate can pollute our soil and water sources.

What is vermicompost fertilizer?

Vermicompost is an organic manure (bio-fertilizer) produced as the vermicast by earth worm feeding on biological waste material; plant residues. This compost is an odorless, clean, organic material containing adequate quantities of N, P, K and several micronutrients essential for plant growth.

How do worms break down food waste?

It's simple. The worms are kept in a bin with shredded paper or other biodegradable bedding. You feed them food waste. They digest the waste and bedding then excrete nutrient-rich castings.

How do you aerate worm bins?

In order to increase the oxygen in your worm bin, add materials that promote aeration and drainage. These can include pumice, coconut coir, and small chunks of cardboard or paper egg cartons.

What are worm castings made of?

Worm Castings contain a highly active biological mixture of bacteria, enzymes, remnants of plant matter and animal manure, as well as earthworm cocoons (while damp). The castings are rich in water-soluble plant nutrients, and contain more than 50% more humus than what is normally found in topsoil.