Is Typing 20 wpm good?

Is Typing 20 wpm good?

20 wpm: Same as above. 30 wpm: Same as above. 40 wpm: At 41 wpm, you are now an average typist. 60 wpm: This is the speed required for most high-end typing jobs.

Is Typing 90 wpm good?

Yes, at 90 WPM you'd be doing very well—typing more than twice as fast as the average typist (at just 40 WPM). Typing at this speed would also help you meet the requirements of most typing professions from transcribing to programming. There are only a few people in the world with that typing speed.

Is it possible to type 200 wpm?

It is possible, but very hard to average 200 wpm. Not very common, but I bet there is a handful that can peak 200. Sean Wrona has achieved it. If you have memorized a text or given a short text with very common words, you can.

Is Typing 25 wpm good?

25 WPM is the average. It depends on what project you're on.

How many keystrokes is 50 wpm?

40 wpm = 10,000 kph. 50 wpm = 12,500 kph. 60 wpm = 15,000 kph.

Is Typing 27 wpm good?

Sadly, no matter how fast you move, there is a limit to how fast you can type up words. For those using this method, the average speed is just 27 WPM. The average touch typist using all 10 fingers types over 50 WPM, roughly twice as fast as you can go with just two fingers. Keep in mind that's just the average.

Is Typing 30 wpm good?

30 words per minute is actually a good typing speed. Although, today's generation usually has an average typing speed of 35 – 45 wpm. Typing programs and keyboarding curriculum implemented in schools and organization helped in advancing the average typing speed. There are a lot of ways to get better at typing.

What is an acceptable typing wpm?

Generally, a typing speed of 40 WPM (Words Per Minute) is considered an average typing speed. Some office jobs may have a higher minimum typing speed requirement than the standard "average" typing speed.

Is 41 wpm good?

The average typing speed is about 41 WPM, with an accuracy rate of 92%. There is nothing wrong with typing more slowly than this, but it can impact your ability to take notes, write documents, and keep up with a competitive workplace. Learning to type faster will improve your professional profile.

Is Typing 45 wpm good?

As per a survey conducted by a typing portal (, the average speed of a professional typist is 60 to 65 WPM. So we can say that 45 WPM is not a very impressive speed. But it is not a bad speed too. If your current typing speed is 45 WPM, there is a huge possibility to increase it to 60 – 70 WPM.

Is 100 wpm a good typing speed?

100 wpm is about the same speed as me . This is a speed that only 5% of all people in the world have, that is a great speed and will help you be more productive. You basically type as fast as you can speak. thats pretty fast, because on average a person will speak 80–200 wpm.

What is a reasonable typing speed?

Generally, a typing speed of 40 WPM (Words Per Minute) is considered an average typing speed. Some office jobs may have a higher minimum typing speed requirement than the standard "average" typing speed.

What is a good typing accuracy?

The average accuracy for a typist is around 92%, meaning they make 8 mistakes for every 100 words typed. The desired accuracy for professional typing positions is around 97% or higher.

What is an acceptable typing speed?

Generally, a typing speed of 40 WPM (Words Per Minute) is considered an average typing speed. Some office jobs may have a higher minimum typing speed requirement than the standard "average" typing speed.

How can I get faster at typing?

Generally, for all major government jobs, the average speed requirement is of 25 to 35 WPM. The WPM stands for Word Per Minute, which essentially tells the amount of words that the candidate is able to type in a minute.