Is TNT and dynamite the same thing?

Is TNT and dynamite the same thing?

1. Dynamite is not the same thing as TNT. You've probably heard people say “TNT” and “dynamite” in a conversation as though they were the same thing. But in fact, while TNT and dynamite are both explosives, they are different things.

Why are TNT explosions so powerful?

TNT is explosive for two reasons. First, it contains the elements carbon, oxygen and nitrogen, which means that when the material burns it produces highly stable substances (CO, CO2 and N2) with strong bonds, so releasing a great deal of energy.

Which is more powerful dynamite or TNT?

Although not quite as powerful as dynamite (and harder to detonate), the main benefit of TNT is that it's even more stable than dynamite (Wilbrand, for instance, never lost a single brother to an explosion). Also, TNT can be melted down and poured into shell casings. On the downside, however, TNT is extremely toxic.