Is there a word of power in Yngvild?

Is there a word of power in Yngvild?

When you are about to enter the Yngvild throne room, you will notice that there is a symbol on the door which indicates that there is a Word Wall in that area/room you are about to enter; however, no such Word Wall exists.

How many claws are in Skyrim?


Do I need to keep the golden claw?

If you keep the claw without completing the quest it stays a quest item. That means you couldn’t drop it to use it for decoration. I believe if you marry Camilla you can take the claw without stealing it. You could divorce her with console commands later to marry Aela….

Should I give back the golden claw?

If you don’t give it to him his shop stays as a 24/7 shop which is really handy as skipping a couple in game hours is valuable seconds you could be doing something else in BUT then you keep the annoying quest in you log….

Where is the owner of the golden claw?

Find the owner of the Golden Claw Travel to Riverwood and go to the Riverwood Trader (again, it’s the second building on the right as you enter from the south). Talk to Lucan Valerius at the counter and hand over the Golden Claw. If you never started the quest here, ask if something has happened first to earn 400 Gold….

Should I kill kematu or turn in Saadia?

Kematu claims to be trying to bring Saadia home with him to face justice, but if you turn Saadia over he actually simply murders her, and her body appears in the Whiterun Hall of the Dead. So, unless she has been rude to you in the past, side with Saadia.

Who is owner of Golden Claw Skyrim?


Can you sell the golden claw?

all you got to do is after you sell it to the guy in the riverwood trade store, just walk out wait about a day (or until morning) go back inside and it should be on the counter in front of him.

Can I steal back the golden claw?

If you choose to re-steal the Golden Claw, for instance, it will be a normal (albeit stolen) item that can be pawned off to a fence for quick cash. Collectors might be inclined to display them in their house – there’s at least 3 more claws out there in Skyrim, but at the end of the day, they’re just loot.

Why does the golden claw seem smaller?

when you put in the lock some of it rubbed off? Well, becuase he provably got it when HE himself was smaller. So by the time he got it back, HE had grown. This made the Claw seem smaller to him.

Can you marry Camilla Valerius?

Camilla Valerius is an Imperial pawnbroker, and the sister of Lucan Valerius, the owner of Riverwood Trader in Riverwood. She may be married if her disposition towards you is high enough, giving you full access to the Riverwood Trader. ……

Who is the prettiest woman in Skyrim?

15 Hottest Characters From Skyrim

  • 15 Annekke Crag-Jumper.
  • 14 Lisette.
  • 13 Astrid.
  • 12 Muiri.
  • 11 Aela The Huntress.
  • 10 Alva.
  • 9 Lydia.
  • 8 Camilla Valerius.

Can you make love in Skyrim?

CBBE, FNIS, SkyUI, USLEEP (or similar), animation packs, and additional mods to initiate the sex, that use the SexLab framework, are all needed. Do note that you can’t “have sex” in vanilla Skyrim. “Lover’s Comfort” is the closest you’ll get, but that could just be cuddling for all the player knows.

Can you cheat on your wife in Skyrim?

How exactly can you cheat on your wife in this game? It is impossible….

Can you kill your wife in Skyrim?

Alternately: Go to one of your houses, ask your Housecarl there to follow you. Take the Housecarl outside of the house and ask them to wait there. Then, go back to your house and kill your wife. However, as @Mana has mentioned, you will not be able to remarry after your wife has died.

Can you sleep with your spouse in Skyrim?

Lover’s Comfort is a temporary effect that allows all skills to improve 15% faster for 8 hours. To gain access to this buff, the Dragonborn must have a spouse and have moved into a home. One will then be able to sleep with one’s spouse in a bed in the marital home.

Can you get a girlfriend in Skyrim?

Travel to Riften and go inside the Bee and Barb. Talk to Marmaral and ask him about getting married, he will then offer to sell you an Amulet of Mara for 200 gold. After you obtain the Amulet of Mara speak to a woman/man you wish to marry. You can only marry certain individuals in Skyrim.

Will I lose Lydia if I join the Stormcloaks?

No. You can have “Join the Stormcloaks” and “Join the Legion” both active at once, but once you join one you get an automatic quest failure for the other one….

Is Ysolda a good wife in Skyrim?

Besides being kind and easy on the eyes, Ysolda’s ability to become an innkeeper makes her an awesome choice for marriage. By killing Hulda, the innkeeper of the Bannered Mare in Whiterun, Ysolda becomes the new manager. That’s nice.

How many wives can you have in Skyrim?

one spouse

Who has the most money in Skyrim?

If you complete the restore the Thieves Guild to its former glory quests, all the fences will have 4000 gold to barter with. You can further boost this via investing and the speech perk for a total of 5500 per fence. There is a guy at the Riverwood trader who has 10000 gold once you invest with him.

Can you marry Karliah?

Karliah is marriable and can be a follower. Then go to Nightingale Hall and speak with Karliah. She should have follower lines right away, for marriage lines you must be wearing an Amulet of Mara, like with any other regular candidate for marriage….

Can I have 2 wives in Skyrim?

No. Even if you have multiple houses, you cannot have multiple wives….

Can u marry anyone in the Thieves Guild?

Most of the Thieves Guild “aren’t the marrying type.” Nor the Dark Brotherhood, but you can marry Muiri who sent you to go kill her……

Can I marry Karita in Skyrim?

If you visit Dawnstar, and pop into the Windpeak Inn you will meet Karita. Even if you become the Thane of Dawnstar, and even if you help Karita’s father with his pointless chores, it won’t work. You can’t marry Karita!…