Is there a female saint?

Is there a female saint?

The women saints represent a minority: Of the more than 200 saints mentioned, only forty-one are women and only five are married.

What is a good saint name for confirmation?

Some good male Saints for boys are: Michael, Raphael, Gabriel, Joseph, John, Peter, Paul, James, Augustine, Ambrose, Justin, Francis, Anthony, Dominic, and Maximilian Kolbe.

What saint is for anxiety?

St. Dymphna is the patron saint of mental illness and anxiety.

Who is the patron saint of miracles?

Saint Anthony of Padua

Who is the saint of hopeless causes?

Saint Jude

Is there a miracle prayer?

Miracle Prayer Your word says that you are the God who performs miracles; you display your power among the people. With your mighty arm, you redeemed your people and rescued them from their distress. Perform miracles in my life Lord to display your power and glory. Increase my faith to trust in you.

What is the prayer to St Michael the Archangel for?

“Saint Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle. Be our protection against the wickedness and snares of the devil; May God rebuke him, we humbly pray; And do thou, O Prince of the Heavenly Host, by the power of God, thrust into hell Satan and all evil spirits who wander through the world for the ruin of souls.

Who is the saint for financial help?

Prayer to Saint Jude Thaddeus

What saint do you pray to for good fortune?

Saint Cajetan

What saint do I pray to to win the lottery?

Saint Pantaleon

Saint Pantaleon (Panteleimon)
Patronage Physicians, Apothecaries, midwives, livestock, lottery, lottery winners and victories, lottery tickets; invoked against headaches, consumption, locusts, witchcraft, accidents and loneliness; helper for crying children

Has anyone won the lottery by praying?

Gloria Aguda was on the verge of losing her home to foreclosure and couldn’t afford a trip to the doctor. Depressed, the 50-year-old Fountain resident prayed for help. Last week those prayers were answered when she matched all six numbers in the Lotto drawing for a $9 million jackpot.

How do you pray for good luck?

Lord, I pray that You weave Yourself into the tapestry of my life. Provide good luck and opportunity for my family, that we might have greater means to spread Your gospel to all we encounter. Amen. Faithful God, there sits before me an opportunity that I am very excited about.

Who is the angel of good luck?


How do you ask for luck?

  1. Positive Thinking Attracts Luck. Barbara Taeger Photography / Getty Images.
  2. Accentuate the Positive with Visualization.
  3. Affirmations Reinforce Lucky Thinking.
  4. Feng Shui Lets Luck Flow.
  5. Lucky Charms and Rituals.
  6. Increase Your Karma, Get Luckier.
  7. Increasing Luck Through Spirituality.
  8. Work Harder, Be Luckier.

How can I increase my luck in gambling?


  1. Wear your best clothes to a casino.
  2. Blow on the dice before rolling.
  3. Carry a horseshoe, rabbit’s foot or four-leafed clover.
  4. Keep a genuine badger’s tooth in your left-hand trouser pocket.
  5. Wearing something red.
  6. Crossing your legs while gambling.
  7. The Norse believed that acorns brought good luck.

How can I bring luck to my house?

15 Things That Will Bring Good Luck to Your Home

  1. of 15. A Red Door. If your front door faces the south, that is.
  2. of 15. Soft Linens.
  3. of 15. Elephants.
  4. of 15. Fresh Flowers.
  5. of 15. Incense.
  6. of 15. Fruit.
  7. of 15. Ladybugs.
  8. of 15. Circular Layouts.