Is the W in WHO silent?

Is the W in WHO silent?

When 'w' is before 'h' at the beginning of a word, it is silent in some words, as in who and whom. Some of the words are: Observation: 'wh' makes /h/ sound. When 'w' is before 'r' at the beginning of a word, it is always silent; as in write and writhe.

Why is the W silent in WR words?

The 'w' in the 'wr' used to be pronounced. Most 'wr' words are Germanic in origin in which both of these letters are pronounced (although the 'w' sounds more like /v/). Although we have retained the 'wr' spelling in English, we stopped pronouncing the 'w' around the 1450s to 1700s, except in some dialects.

What is the pronounce of W?

These are the three most common ways w is pronounced: Duh-bul-you (double u) Dub-uh-you (how most Americans say it) Dub-yuh.