Is the Shsat hard?

Is the Shsat hard?

The new SHSAT is only hard for students who aren't prepared. For students who are prepared, the SHSAT will be challenging, just like beating a video game, learning how to dunk, landing first chair in violin, finishing the 30-hour drawing project for the art studio, or getting your soda can robot to move backwards.

What grades do you need to get into Stuyvesant?

To get into Stuyvesant High School, students are required to take the Specialized High School Admissions Test (SHSAT) and gain a score above the cutoff score of 560 as eighth-graders or above the range of 590-600 as ninth graders.

Do high schools look at 7th grade grades?

High schools look at a student's 7th grade test scores, attendance, and grades, so if a student waits until 8th grade to think about high school, it may be too late.

Do specialized high schools look at your grades?

For admission into a specialized high school, they do not take into account your grades. Instead, it is solely based off of your score from the SHSAT (the specialized high school admissions test). For admission into a specialized high school, they do not take into account your grades.

What is the best specialized high school in NYC?

Note: Since the test is administered to many students at once, accommodations will not include having someone read passages aloud. Likewise, given the nature of the computational skills being tested, no accommodation will allow the use of a calculator on the math section.

Can you take Shsat in 9th grade?

While most students take the SHSAT in 8th grade, it's also possible to take it during your freshman year of high school. In either case, there are several factors you should consider before taking or retaking the SHSAT as a 9th grader.

What is the highest SAT score?

What Is a Perfect SAT Score? The highest possible score you can earn on the SAT is 1600 points. To get this score, you have to get a perfect 800 on each of the two sections: Math, and Evidenced-Based Reading and Writing (EBRW). These scores are then totaled to give you a composite score of 1600.

What score do you need to get into Bronx Science?

You need a high score on the SHSAT to get into Bronx Science—or any specialized high school, for that matter. The cutoff for Bronx Science, which is the minimum score of the accepted class, tends to be around 510–520, but varies year to year.

What are the 9 specialized high schools in NYC?

The test is made up of two sections, the ELA section and the math section. This blog is your personal guide to the most important concepts on the SHSAT math section, such as Consecutive Integers, Proportions, Percentages and Ratios, and Geometry.

How is Shsat score calculated?

A raw score is earned based on the number of correctly answered questions. The raw score is converted into a scaled score for each section of the test. Then a composite score is compiled from both sections. The SHSAT is unusual in that it rewards students for being very good at one thing.