Is the phrase cut and dry or cut and dried?

Is the phrase cut and dry or cut and dried?

In formal usage, the form cut and dried is more common than cut and dry, and the meaning is rather “settled” than “clear”, and mildly pejorative, following original usage and etymology.

Where did the saying cut and dry come from?

The first known use of the expression is in a letter to a clergyman in 1710 in which the writer commented that a sermon was “ready cut and dried”, meaning it had been prepared in advance, so lacking freshness and spontaneity.

What does a fresh cut mean?

1. fresh-cut – cut recently; "fresh-cut flowers" fresh – recently made, produced, or harvested; "fresh bread"; "a fresh scent"; "fresh lettuce"

What does the cut mean in slang?

A popular slang phrase among the ever growing north eastern youth in the United States, in the cut refers to a male that is interested in or engaged in homosexual intercourse.