Is Spanse a word?

Is Spanse a word?

Apparently, LibreOffice did not like my usage of the word “spanse”. Apparently, this word does not exist in the English language. Example: “Over the spanse of five days, I realized my fatal error in thinking this was a word.” I refuse to believe I have been using a nonexistant word for so long.

What does expanse mean?

an uninterrupted space or area; a wide extent of anything: an expanse of water. something that is spread out, especially over a relatively large area: that great expanse, the sky.

What does compression mean?

The definition of compression is the action or state of being squished down or made smaller or more pressed together. When a pile of material is squished together and made smaller and more dense, this is an example of compression.

What does excavate mean?

transitive verb. 1 : to form a cavity or hole in. 2 : to form by hollowing out. 3 : to dig out and remove. 4 : to expose to view by or as if by digging away a covering excavate the remains of a temple.

Why are excavations important?

Excavations can be classified, from the point of view of their purpose, as planned, rescue, or accidental. Most important excavations are the result of a prepared plan—that is to say, their purpose is to locate buried evidence about an archaeological site.

What are the steps of excavation?

The excavation process includes:

  1. setting corner benchmarks.
  2. surveying ground and top levels.
  3. excavation to the approved depth.
  4. dressing the loose soil.
  5. marking up the cut off level.
  6. the construction of dewatering wells and interconnecting trenches.
  7. marking the boundaries of the building.
  8. the construction of protection drains.

What are the types of excavation?

Excavation by Material

  • Topsoil Excavation. As the name suggests, this type of excavation involves the removal of the exposed or the topmost area of the earth’s surface.
  • Rock Excavation.
  • Muck Excavation.
  • Earth Excavation.
  • Cut and Fill Excavation.
  • Trench Excavation.
  • Basement Excavation.
  • Dredging.

What is excavation answer?

Excavation is the act or process of digging, especially when something specific is being removed from the ground. Archaeologists use excavation to find artifacts and fossils. There are many types of excavation, but they all involve digging holes in the earth.

How can we prevent excavation?

Provide protection by:

  1. Set spoils and equipment at least 2 feet back from the excavation.
  2. Use retaining devices, such as a trench box that will extend above the top of the trench to prevent equipment and spoils from falling back into the excavation.

What are the risk of excavation?

There are a range of health and safety risks associated with excavation work including:

  • falls from one level to another.
  • the fall or dislodgement of earth or rock.
  • vibration and hazardous noise.
  • exposure to an airborne contaminant .

What are some dangers of excavation?

Top 5 excavation safety hazards

  • Cave-ins. Trench collapses kill an average of two workers every month, making this a serious threat to worker safety.
  • Falls and falling loads. Workers and work equipment can fall into an excavated area.
  • Hazardous atmospheres.
  • Mobile equipment.
  • Hitting utility lines.

What are the hazards in excavation?

1. Pit Excavation up to 3m

Type of hazard Effects of hazard
Falling into pit Personal injury
Earth collapse Suffocation /breathlessness, Buried
Contact with buried electric cable, Gas / Oil Pipelines Electrocution, and Explosion

What are the 7 types of hazard?

The six main categories of hazards are:

  • Biological. Biological hazards include viruses, bacteria, insects, animals, etc., that can cause adverse health impacts.
  • Chemical. Chemical hazards are hazardous substances that can cause harm.
  • Physical.
  • Safety.
  • Ergonomic.
  • Psychosocial.

What you should avoid during excavation works?

What measures should be taken to prevent materials falling onto workers in excavations?

  • Do not store spoil or other materials close to the sides of excavations.
  • Make sure the edges of the excavation are protected against falling materials.
  • Always wear a hard hat when working in excavations.

What are the hazards in confined space?

The hazards associated confined spaces include:

  • Toxic Atmosphere. A toxic atmosphere may cause various acute effects, including impairment of judgement, unconsciousness and death.
  • Oxygen Deficiency.
  • Oxygen Enrichment.
  • Flammable or Explosive Atmospheres.
  • Flowing Liquid or Free Flowing Solids.
  • Excessive Heat.

What 3 things make a confined space?

In order for a work area to be defined as a confined space it must meet all three of the following criteria:

  • Limited Openings for Entry and Exit.
  • The Space is not Intended for Continuous Human Occupancy.
  • The Space is Large Enough for You to Enter and Conduct Work.

What is the 5 types of hazard?

Understand and know the Occupational Safety and Health Administration’s (OSHA) five types of workplace hazards and take steps to mitigate employee risk.

  • Safety. Safety hazards encompass any type of substance, condition or object that can injure workers.
  • Chemical.
  • Biological.
  • Physical.
  • Ergonomic.

What is the most dangerous hazard in a confined space?

Working in a confined space is dangerous because of the risks from noxious fumes, reduced oxygen levels, or a risk of fire. Other dangers may include flooding/drowning or asphyxiation from some other source such as dust, grain or other contaminant.

What must be done before entering a confined space?

Before entering any confined space, a trained and experienced person should identify and evaluate all the existing and potential hazards within the confined space. Evaluate activities both inside and outside the confined space.

What is required to enter a confined space?

According to OSHA a confined space is a space that meets these criteria: 1) being large enough for an employee to enter and perform work; 2) has limited or restricted means for entry or exit; and 3) is not designed for continuous occupancy.

What is a high risk confined space?

A high risk confined space is a space in which a specified risk cannot be eliminated or controlled to an acceptable level, or where breathing apparatus is required. Entry may involve complex entry procedures and it will entail the use of breathing apparatus.

What is a safe oxygen level in a confined space?


What is the difference between a confined space and an enclosed space?

Explain a permit-required confined space is a confined space, which after evaluation, is found to contain actual or potential hazards. Explain that an enclosed space is a space that does not contain any atmospheric hazards.

What is a low risk confined space?

A low risk confined space is one where there is adequate natural or mechanical ventilation, where access appears simple and unobstructed, and where there is no likely risk of flooding. Examples of low risk confined spaces include pub cellars, valve chambers and stairwells. Enter and exit confined spaces safely.

Can you enter a confined space without training?

Working in confined spaces without the proper training is not only illegal, but can result in serious injury or death. This is necessary because employers must ensure that the training is performed in compliance with all local, state, and federal regulations.

What is considered as a confined space?

A confined space is a place which is substantially enclosed (though not always entirely), and where serious injury can occur from hazardous substances or conditions within the space or nearby (e.g. lack of oxygen).

Do I need training to enter a confined space?

The regulatory requirement for training addresses the following: a need for employee training before the employees are assigned duties involving permit-required confined spaces; if there is a change in confined space duties; if there is a change in confined space operations that presents a hazard about which the …

How many attendants are required while entering a confined space?

Responsibilities of Confined Space Attendants There must be at least one attendant on each PRCS team. The attendant, arguably has the most amount of responsibility on the confined space team, as they have the highest number of duties required by OSHA. These duties are to: Know the hazards.

When can you enter a confined space?

What makes me eligible to enter a confined space? You are eligible to enter the confined space upon successful completion of confined space training which should allow you to: Be properly trained on all anticipated hazards of permit-required confined spaces. Know how to use all equipment properly.

Whose responsibility is it to prevent unauthorized individuals entering permit spaces?

Duties of the Entry Supervisor The entry supervisor represents the employer and is accountable for entry operation safety. If the entry supervisor is properly trained and equipped, he or she may also serve as an authorized entrant or attendant. The entry supervisor must: (1) Know the hazards.