Is Singlish an accent?

Is Singlish an accent?

Singlish may seem like heavily accented, grammatically sloppy English, but it has its own coherent, systematic grammar with strong influence from Chinese. Word order is often based more on Mandarin than on English.

What is the Singapore accent?

Standard Singaporean accent Like most Commonwealth countries outside of Canada and Australia, the accents of most reasonably educated Singaporeans who speak English as their first language are more similar to British Received Pronunciation (RP) than General American, although immediately noticeable differences exist.

What is Lor in Singlish?

“I’ve got no choice, So I just did it lor.” (Here, “lor” is used to express acceptance or resignation.) “I didn’t know you have to do it like that leh.” (Here, “leh” is used to show uncertainty, a little more doubtful compared to “lah”.)

How do you say hello in Singlish?


  1. Hello – Ni hao (Nee how)
  2. How are you? – Ni hao ma? (Nee how ma)
  3. Very good – Hen hao (hun hao)
  4. My name is. . . – Wo de mingzi shi. . .
  5. Please – qing (ching)
  6. Excuse me – Duì bú qi (dweì bú chi)
  7. Thank you – Xiè xiè (shièh shièh)
  8. Do you speak English – Ni huì jiang Yingyu ma? (Nee huei jeeang Ying you ma.)

Why do Singaporeans say can?

Similar to the original English term, “can” literally means “can”, or “be able to”. The Singaporean usage of “can”, however, is an amazing one. It’s a positive affirmation that’s confident, effective, and extremely efficient.

How do Singaporeans greet each other?

Singaporean greetings vary between the major ethnic groups. A handshake generally suffices as the appropriate greeting between two people. Older Singaporeans may use both hands to shake, placing the second hand on the other person’s wrist or on top of the handshake. …

What does LL mean in Singapore?

Meaning : LL Stands”lan” “lan”, what can you do about it! Example : So what if i don’t turn up for the meeting…LL lah…! LoOON by Ah Beng. Meaning : Endure or hope for the best. Example : What to do!

What is Jialat?

Origin: Hokkien and Teochew, Jia Lat literally means to eat away (to drain away) the strength. Jialat is being used to describe a dire situation or to describe a person in a bad way.

What does YP mean in Singapore?

The ubiquitous Ah Beng, or YP, which stands for “young punk”, is an icon in local popular culture.

What does bij mean?

preposition. by [preposition] next to; near; at the side of.

What does 3 kisses mean?

they are definitely feeling you out

What does 3 X’s mean in a text?

X is a kiss. x = Normal for friends (male or female) xx = Close female friends, girlfriend and, if i’m drunk, close male friends too. xxx = Girlfriend, family or romantic interest.

What does four kisses on a text mean?

An example of a kiss code: 1 kiss means friends. 2 kisses means best friends (however maybe not inter-gender) 3 kisses may mean something a little bit more? 4 kisses well that means SEX is on the horizon!