Is recorder a serious instrument?

Is recorder a serious instrument?

For most of us, a plastic recorder was the first musical instrument we encountered back in elementary school, and for that reason it's something we tend to think of as a childhood toy. However, the recorder is actually a serious instrument, with a rich history that goes back to ancient times.

Is the recorder easy to learn?

The recorder is a woodwind musical instrument that was popular as early as the 14th century. … Compared to other instruments, the recorder is relatively easy to play, making it a great first instrument for kids or novice musicians. They come in many different colors and sizes to fit you.

Why does the recorder sound so bad?

You probably think recorders sound bad because they are usually beginner instruments in junior school bands. … Any instrument sounds bad when played badly. The recorder actually sounds substantially better when played by a beginner than the violin does.

What recorder should I buy for a beginner?

"I think the best bet for a new player is to begin (on soprano or alto) with a top-of-the-line "wood grain" plastic recorder made by Yamaha, Zen-on, or Aulos. Once a player has enough experience to know that they really like playing recorder, I suggest moving on to a high-quality production-line model.

What is the highest type of recorder?

There are many types within the soprano recorder family (including the soprano, tenor, great, sub contra and others) and alto recorder family (including the sopranino, alto, bass and contrabass), with each of these types one octave higher in pitch than its predecessor.

Which recorder has the highest pitch?

What key is a recorder?

Most recorders are made in the following sizes (note names referring to the lowest note; c′ = middle C): descant (soprano) in c″; treble (alto) in f′; tenor in c′; and bass in f.

How do I know what type of recorder I have?

You can easily tell which type of recorder you have by comparing just two tone holes. If you look at the holes on a traditional Baroque recorder, the fourth hole down from the top is smaller than the fifth hole. On a German recorder, the order is switched – the fourth hole is larger than the fifth hole.

Are wooden recorders better than plastic ones?

Wooden recorders are much more rewarding to play as they allow you to play with more expression. … There is more resistance in wooden recorders, and often they are easier to play than plastic ones, especially on the lowest notes. Plastic recorders tend to "block up" very quickly with moisture.

Can a recorder Sound good?

How do you play the recorder for beginners?

The soprano recorder in c2, also known as the descant, is the third-smallest instrument of the modern recorder family and is usually played as the highest voice in four-part ensembles (SATB = soprano, alto, tenor, bass).

What is the smallest recorder called?

The garklein recorder in C, also known as the sopranissimo recorder or piccolo recorder, is the smallest size of the recorder family. Its range is C6–A7 (C8). The name garklein is German for "quite small", and is also sometimes used to describe the sopranino in G (Reuter 2002, 81).

Why is the recorder called the recorder?

Why is a recorder called a recorder? The word "recorder" comes from the Latin "recordari," which combines "re" (again) and "cor" (heart).

What is the difference between Baroque and German recorders?

How many notes can recorder play?

The range of a recorder is about two octaves. A skilled player can extend this and can typically play chromatically over two octaves and a fifth.

What is the difference between a soprano recorder and an alto recorder?

The difference is that all holes closed on the alto produces an "F" while all holes closed on the soprano is "C." This holds true throughout the recorder family, with tenor (in "C") and bass (in "F") being the family members most likely to be required for SATB or larger ensemble music.

Does a recorder have a reed?

Answer. Answer: The recorder is one of the few instruments in the woodwind sections of the orchestra that doesn't have a reed. It never had a reed, when they were made they had a whistle mouth piece that is based on the school whistle that they use in the playground now.

How many octaves does a recorder have?

The range of a recorder is about two octaves.