Is Raiden African?

Is Raiden African?

Raiden is not a “true” African really because his parents are of an origin outside of Africa (As were many white South Africans and Rhodesians). However, Raiden is still African because he can say he was born on that continent.

Is Psycho Mantis a girl?

His memories and emotions were implanted into Screaming Mantis through nanomachines and hypnotherapy, and it was reinforced by the suit that she wore. Its not a real psychic connection, its an artificial one. Mantis died in MGS1, and before that he was and always has been male.

Why is volgin on fire?

Due to meeting his defeat at the hands of Naked Snake, Volgin’s desire for vengeance grew so much that it kept his comatose body alive; essentially acting as the fuel and drive behind his relentless pursuits as the “Man on Fire”.

Why did Huey kill skull face?

Huey jokingly killing Skull Face while shouting “Yay, revenge!” is brillant. It really drives home the point that revenge is hollow and that neither Boss nor Miller would be better off with it.

What did skull face do to zero?

Having recovered the lapel pin from Tselinoyarsk from The Boss’ body, Skull Face kept the real lapel pin and made a convincing replica which he coated with a form of the vocal cord parasite and sent it to Zero.

What happened to Skull Face’s face?

Skull Face himself was infected with several of the same bugs inside his vocal cord, forcing him to find a cure for his infection to no avail. He was later manipulated by Code Talker into undergoing experimental radiation therapy, the latter hiding from him that there was a far simpler cure in the form of the bacteria.

What happens if you dont shoot skull face?

What happens if you don’t shoot him? Snake shoots off Skull Face’s arm and leg off then leaves him for dead. After that, Huey ends up dealing the fatal blow and exclaiming “I-I did it!

Should I kill in mgs5?

It’s generally best to not kill enemies where you don’t have to in the beginning. You really need the manpower on MB, so it’s worth the trouble. Building your staff is the only way to get new weapons or items other than finding them hidden in the open world.

Who is Eli MGSV?

Eli is a child soldier encountered in Central Africa during the events of Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain. Initially, he is known as “The White Mamba”.

Is Kaz blind phantom pain?

They are most likely cataracts. Kaz’s mother contracted an STD during her time as a prostitute, which could very well have been syphilis. This being said, he has always had cataracts, wore sunglasses to slow down their development, and by the time his eyes visibly change in appearance, he is almost completely blind.

Is kazuhira Miller a bad guy?

Miller is the real villain. And he forever went down as a villain just like his mentor the Boss did. Miller , however “likeable” everyone says he is, simply lost somebody to direct his hatred towards after Skullface was defeated, so he redirected it at Big Boss.

How did Huey Emmerich die?


Is kazuhira Miller blind?

User Info: GunmaN1905. Miller is not blind, just light sensitive.

Did Ocelot kill Miller?

Yes ocelot kills him during the foxhound uprising right before the events of shadow Moses incident. Ocelot mentions miller going back to cipher snake is with them as David.

How did Solid Snake lose his eye?

During the Big Shell Incident in 2009, one of the Les Enfants Terribles children, Solidus Snake, lost his left eye as a result of fighting Solid Snake and Raiden. Solid Snake wore the Solid Eye, a device similar in appearance to an eyepatch, on his left eye, in order to aid in his mission to stop Liquid Ocelot in 2014.

Is Ocelot a good guy?

To answer the main question: Yes. He’s always kind of a good guy. When he’s seen working for Liquid/The Patriots/GRU he’s actually playing the other side.

Why did Ocelot kiss snake?

He kisses Snake to mock their brotherly status even though he is openly indulging in his role as Snake’s mortal enemy. Liquid also goes a step further to share a moment of pain with Snake by activating the stun knife’s electric current and shocking himself and his brother.

Was liquid really Ocelot?

Liquid Ocelot, often shortened to Liquid, was the alias used by Revolver Ocelot following his transformation into the mental doppelgänger of Liquid Snake. In 2014, he amassed a mercenary army to lead an insurrection against the Patriots, and became the final nemesis of his “brother” Solid Snake.

Is Liquid Snake a bad guy?

The Phantom Pain positions Eli as a major character, hinting (and, in the end, confirming) that the 12 year old was Liquid Snake, the villain from the original Metal Gear Solid.

Is Liquid Snake dead?

As Snake regained consciousness, Liquid told him that he wouldn’t be killed so long as Snake lived, and even with the destruction of REX, his fight was not over yet. Liquid succumbs to the FOXDIE virus. Though it seemed that Snake was victorious, Liquid survived the fall from REX.

Did Big Boss kill Venom Snake?

Originally, Solid Snake killed Big Boss at Outer Heaven, but it was retconned that he survived. Come The Phantom Pain, however, and it turns out that Big Boss never came because Snake actually killed Venom, not Big Boss.

What is Big Boss’s real name?
