Is physics harder than math?

Is physics harder than math?

General perception: Physics is harder than Mathematics. Why? Physics might be more challenging because of the theoretical concepts, the mathematical calculations, laboratory experiments and even the need to write lab reports.

Is General Physics 2 hard?

In Physics 2, the topics are much less fluid as they are in 1. They are both quite even in difficulty imo, maybe physics 2 is a bit harder since I felt like there was more content covered. It's definitely a bit harder, but don't be discouraged. It covers a lot of interesting material.

Why are physics exams so hard?

Students find physics hard because firstly, there are mathematics involved. If your are ok with Maths, then the real problems come from modeling real world problems into your physics laws. This is the hardest because if you can't model it, your can't formulate equations to solve.

Is college level physics hard?

College is definitely more work. College level physics relies more heavily on math. The concepts start to get much more difficult once you get to higher level classes so just be prepared to use concepts you might not fully understand and a lot of math to connect concepts together and to solve problems.

Is Physics 2 harder than physics 1?

Depending on your course description, Physics 1 is most likely classical mechanics and Physics 2 is most likely electricity and magnetism. Neither is more difficult than the other, but it depends on if you're better at mechanics or E&M. I found it harder than physics 1 because the concepts are much less intuitive.

Is engineering harder than physics?

All in all, the major which is hardest out of the two is probably physics, due to its obscure and relatively tricky problems. However, in real life, I'd have to say that an engineer's job is much harder than a physicist – especially when it comes to high level physics, eg.

How can I learn physics easily?

Because they don't understand, they're not learning anything and therefore cannot find it interesting. On the other hand, it can be boring because they know everything already. Once you know everything, nothing is new to you any more so you find no use in paying attention and therefore see the class to drag out.

What is the hardest science?

However, the general consensus among students and teachers is that chemistry is the hardest A Level science. In some senses it combines the sheer amount of content in biology with the mathematical skills required for physics, which can often be seem daunting to some students.

How smart do you have to be to study physics?

To answer your question, No, you definitely do not need to be intelligent to study Physics and Mathematics and studying these degrees does not make you any more intelligent than you are.

Should I take anatomy or physics?

You should also consider your plans for university; while both are science courses, if you are planning to go into a biology/pre-med program, then anatomy is better preparation, but AP physics would serve your more if you're looking to go for a physics/engineering degree.

How can I be good at physics?

No. In fact you will find most of the physics which you have studied in your intermediate. Few topics will be a bit complicated but you will get sufficient time to study them. Do not expect much from your professors and you need to create interest yourself.