Is oxygen more reactive than selenium?

Is oxygen more reactive than selenium?

Oxygen, sulfur and selenium are all group 16 elements. So, their electronegativity decreases down the group. Also, nitrogen is less electronegative than oxygen atom. Hence, we can conclude that out of the given options element oxygen is more reactive than the others.

What is the heaviest Chalcogen?


What is the heaviest gas on Earth?


Why are 16 groups called Chalcogens?

Chalcogens means ore forming, as most of the ores in the earth crust are either oxides or sulphides, group 16 elements are called chalcogens. for example: Oxygen is the most abundant of all the elements on earth. Oxygen forms about 46.6% by mass of earth’s crust.

Why group 15 are called Pnictogens?

Group 15 elements are also known as pnictogens because in Greek pigeon means to cholk or stifle. In the absence of the oxygen, molecular nitrogen has this property. That’s why group 15 elements are known as either nitrogen family or pnictogens.

Are P-block elements metals?

The p-block elements are a very diverse group of elements with a wide range of properties. The p-block contains metal, nonmetal, and metalloid elements. Some of these elements are extremely abundant (oxygen, silicon), some are toxic (lead, arsenic), and some are very useful (tin, aluminum).

Why are D block elements colored?

When visible light falls on a transition metal compound or ion, the unpaired electrons present in the lower energe d-orbital get promoted to high energy d-orbitals, called d-d transition, due to the absorption of visible light. Therefore, transmitted light shows some colour complementary to the absorbed colour.

Why are groups 3/12 called transition metals?

The 38 elements in groups 3 through 12 of the periodic table are called “transition metals”. As with all metals, the transition elements are both ductile and malleable, and conduct electricity and heat.

Which is the most abundant transition element?


Why do transition metals have high melting?

The high melting points of transition metals are due to the involvement of greater number of electrons of (n-1)d in addition to the ns electrons in the interatomic metallic bonding.

What are the catalytic properties of transition elements?

Transition metals show catalytic behaviour mainly due to the following reasons:

  • The presence of vacant d orbitals.
  • They have the ability to exhibit variable valencies.
  • They have a tendency to form complex compounds.

Why are D block elements good catalysts?

Transition metals have partially filled d- orbitals so they can easily withdraw the electrons from the reagents or give electrons to them depending on the nature of the reaction. They also have a tendency to show large no. of oxidation states and the ability to form complexes which makes them a good catalyst.

Why does D block elements act as catalyst?

Group D And F Block Catalyst Since they tend to exhibit variable valency, hence it results in the formation of complexes. Catalysts provide a greater surface area for the reaction to occur; hence, it provides free valencies using which the reactant molecules are absorbed on the surface.

Why D block elements can form complexes?

The elements in the d block form complexes due to the presence of the vacant d orbitals as they accommodate lone pairs of electrons, and they are small with high nuclear charge. Hence, d block elements form complexes.

Which block elements form complexes more easily?

Transition elements have a tendency to form complexes more than s and p block elements. So they are able to form complexes with the groups which are able to donate an electron pair. The cations of d-block elements have a strong tendency to form complexes.

Why do transition elements act as good catalyst?

Transition metals are good metal catalysts because they easily lend and take electrons from other molecules. A catalyst is a chemical substance that, when added to a chemical reaction, does not affect the thermodynamics of a reaction but increases the rate of reaction.

Why are transition metals Coloured?

Whenever light falls on the transition element compounds electrons excite and electrons absorb energy and excite. When these electrons de-excite they release visible light wavelength. That’s why transition element compounds exhibit colour.

How do you know if a compound is colored?

Transition elements form coloured compounds because they have unfilled d orbitals. Transition metal ions are not coloured on their own. It is only when they form complexes with other ions or molecules that they become coloured. d orbitals are degenerate — they all have the same energy.

Which elements can form Coloured compounds?

Transition elements form coloured compounds because they have unfilled d orbitals.

What is meant by DD transition?

d-d Transitions In a d–d transition, an electron in a d orbital on the metal is excited by a photon to another d orbital of higher energy. The Laporte rule states that, if a molecule is centrosymmetric, transitions within a given set of p or d orbitals are forbidden.