Is Mulethi good for throat?

Is Mulethi good for throat?

Keeps the Respiratory Tract Healthy Chewing mulethi sticks is an age-old remedy for a sore throat. Due to its expectorant and bronchodilator properties, it can cure cough, bronchitis and also reduce the effects of chronic asthma.

Is Mulethi good for dry cough?

It is due to its expectorant and bronchodilator properties that it is known to provide relief from conditions like cough and bronchitis. If you want to avoid chewing on mulethi sticks, you can mix ginger juice to mulethi tea.

Is Mulethi good for face?

Licorice or mulethi is best known for its skin lightning & Brightning properties. All helps get rid of blemishes, dullness & dehydrated skin. You can use in your regular face packs. About 2tsps of licorice powder.

How Mulethi is used for mouth ulcer?

Gautam suggests that you apply raw homey to the ulcer or you can even mix it with some amla powder and gently rub on the affected area. You can even mix pinch of turmeric with honey, it helps in healing. Mulethi has long been used in Ayurveda for its medicinal properties.