Is most definitely proper English?

Is most definitely proper English?

Is “most definitely” a proper English expression that can be used in formal writing? Yes, it most definitely can be used in formal writing.

What is another word for most definitely?

What is another word for most definitely?

of course certainly
indeed clearly
obviously undoubtedly
yes indisputably
indubitably by all means

Is most all grammatically correct?

‘Most all’ is a colloquialism and, as such, it is appropriate for the WLUT, which has a casual tone. The use of ‘most all’ should be restricted to conversation and informal writing. If this were formal, the use of ‘most’ alone would be preferred. So, while colloquial, ‘most all’ is not wrong.

What is the meaning of the Definitely?

1 : in a definite way : in a way free of all ambiguity, uncertainty, or obscurity I will definitely be there.

What does definitely not mean?

Absolutely not. A: “Now, be honest—have you ever stolen money from this company?” B: “Definitely not!”

Why can’t I spell definitely?

Because the second and third syllables have schwa vowels – unstressed vowels that are usually pronounced uh, so you have to remember which vowels they actually are. It’s why people also have trouble spelling separate and privilege, and one of the many reasons English is just plain hard to spell.

How do you spell most definitely?

The correct spelling is definitely. Not definately. Not definatly. Not definantly.

How do I spell definitely?

One anonymous pedant feels so strongly about the correct spelling of this word that he has set up a website with the URL: which simply states: ‘The correct spelling is definitely. Not definately. Not definatly. Not definantly.

What type of word is definitely?


Is definitely a formal word?

Formal English: We use it when writing essays for school, cover letters to apply for jobs, or emails and letters at work….Emphasis Words – Informal & Formal.

Informal Formal
really, very definitely

How do you use definitely?

Use definitely to describe something you don’t have any doubt about. If you are certain you’re going to see your friend’s band play, you can assure him that you’ll definitely be there. The adverb definitely is used to emphasize the certainty of whatever word it modifies.

Is it definately or definitely?

SPELLING definitely is a problem for many people – who insist on writing it “definately”. A survey revealed yesterday that it is the most common spelling blunder in the English language. Second place went to sacrilegious, often misspellt as sacreligious. Indict – often written wrongly as indite – was third.

What is the most misspelled word in the English language?


What is the difference between definitely and definitely?

Definitely and defiantly are both adverbs, but trust us: the similarities end there. You use definitely when you want to describe something clearly, unequivocally, or without a doubt. You use defiantly to describe something or someone that’s challenging or brazenly resistant to something.

How do you use definitely in a sentence?

1 The team will definitely lose if he doesn’t play. 2 You are definitely among the minority. 3 I’m definitely going to get in touch with these people. 4 He was definitely onside when he scored that goal.

What does deduced mean?

transitive verb. 1 : to determine by reasoning or deduction deduce the age of ancient artifacts She deduced, from the fur stuck to his clothes, that he owned a cat. specifically, philosophy : to infer (see infer sense 1) from a general principle.

What does absorbed mean?

: having one’s attention wholly engaged or occupied … was so absorbed in the business of his journey that he never turned his head …—

What self absorbed mean?

: absorbed in one’s own thoughts, activities, or interests.

Which color absorbs the most light?


What does Adsord mean?

transitive verb. : to take up and hold by adsorption. intransitive verb. : to become adsorbed.

What is the difference between adsorbed and absorbed?

The main difference between absorption and adsorption is that absorption is the process in which a fluid dissolves by a liquid or a solid. In the case of Adsorption, the atoms, ions, or molecules from a substance adhere to a surface of the adsorbent.

What is adsorption water?

The term is used to describe the adhesion of a thin layer of molecules to the surfaces of liquids or solids they come in contact with. Adsorption is widely used in drinking water treatment to remove organic substances, in tertiary wastewater treatment, and in groundwater remediation.

Does a sponge absorb or adsorb?

Def. 2a: To suck up or take up such as: a sponge absorbs water, charcoal absorbs gas, and plant roots absorb water. “Adsorption.” Def. 1: The adhesion in an extremely thin layer of molecules (as of gases, solutes, or liquids to the surfaces of solid bodies or liquids with which they are in contact.

What makes a good adsorbent?

In general, the more important characteristics of a good adsorbent are: large surface area, available polar sites, and reproducibility in the degree of activation. The two most common ones, alumina and silica gel, and several other adsorbents are listed in Table 23-1 according to adsorbing power.

Why adsorption is always exothermic?

The particles are attached to the surface of another medium for the reaction to take place. During this process the residual forces on the surface of adsorbent decreases which in turn decreases the surface energy. This energy appears in the form of heat, hence adsorption is exothermic in nature.

Is always exothermic?

Adsorption is always exothermic. This statement can be explained in two ways; (i) Adsorption leads to a reduction in the residual forces on the outside of the adsorbent. At a point, when gas is adsorbed on a solid surface, its movement is confined leading to a reduction in the entropy of the gas i.e., ΔS is negative.

Why is chemisorption irreversible?

Physisorption takes place with the help of non-covalent bonding between an adsorbate and an adsorbent; it makes the process reversible. Chemisorption, on the other hand, takes place with the help of covalent bonding; it makes the process irreversible.

Why is chemisorption exothermic?

After a certain temperature when thermodynamics become more important, the reaction shifts backward. Hope it helps! No doubt, chemisorption is (mostly) exothermic. So, when increasing the temperature, the activation energy is increased, so more bonds are formed.

Is chemisorption irreversible in nature?

Chemisorption is irreversible process while physical adsorption is reversible in nature. Thus, Chemisorption leads to formation of the so called a “surface compound”.