Is McCree a sniper?

Is McCree a sniper?

This honed in on McCree's identity a little more — he's a bit of a sniper who draws on a single enemy from a distance, while relying on his wits and scrappiness if someone gets up close to him.

Is McCree a flanker?

People tend to think of cowboys and outlaws as lone wolves, but it could not be further from the truth when it comes to McCree. He is a powerful damage dealer and anti-flanker who excels at fending off the likes of Genji and Tracer. His kit enables you to play both in an offensive and defensive style.

How does McCree ULT work?

When you press Q again or the ultimate's time limit is up, any enemy locked on will be shot at with a super powerful shot. Locked on enemies will be enclosed in a circle that closes the longer your locked on to them. The tighter the circle, the more the damage.

How do you play soldier 76?

Deadeye begins locking 0.2 seconds after activation. Over the next 0.8 seconds, it accumulates damage slowly to all enemies in sight, up to 80 for each. After 1 second, Deadeye accumulates damage at a rate of 275 per second. After 1.5 seconds, it accumulates at 550 per second.