Is KH2 harder than KH1?

Is KH2 harder than KH1?

Yeah, KH1 is definitely harder than KH2. Even the hard difficulty in KH2 isn’t that hard.

How do I get magnet Magic in Kingdom Hearts 2?

Kingdom Hearts IIEdit

  1. Sora obtains a Magnet element after defeating Oogie Boogie.
  2. Sora obtains a Magnet element after defeating the Grim Reaper.
  3. Sora obtains a Magnet element after defeating Xigbar.

How do I get Thundaga in Kingdom Hearts 2?

Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days Thunder: Granted after completing Mission 36 in the Olympus Coliseum. Thundara: Granted after completing Mission 56 in Twilight Town. Thundaga: Granted after completing Mission 69 in Wonderland.

What do you get for beating Hades cup?

Hades Cup
Unlocked Complete the Phil Cup, Pegasus Cup, and Hercules Cup, and lock the Keyhole at Hollow Bastion.
Rounds 49
Time trial 20:00
Rewards Basic: Trinity Limit Solo: Save the Queen Time trial: Save the King

How do you beat Hades?

When you see a thin white circle form around him, dash away as quickly as you can. He’s winding up a spinning attack that will erase a good chunk of your health. As you deplete every third of his health bar, he’ll summon some cronies from the Underworld. Kill them before refocusing on Hades; they’ll just distract you.

What level should you be for Hades cup?


What is the best Keyblade in Kingdom Hearts?

Kingdom Hearts: 10 Best Keyblades (& How To Get Them)

  1. 1 Divine Rose.
  2. 2 Ultima Weapon.
  3. 3 One Winged Angel.
  4. 4 Lionheart.
  5. 5 Olympia.
  6. 6 Diamond Dust.
  7. 7 Spellbinder.
  8. 8 Lady Luck.

How do you beat Hades in the Hades cup?

Just keep whittling him down by using Blizzard to negate his fire-based attacks and Ars Arcanum. Keep drilling into Hades until he finally collapses, and you’ll be rewarded with upgraded Gravity magic and Ansem’s Report 8.

What is the strongest Keyblade in Kingdom Hearts 1?

Ultima Weapon

What is the strongest Keyblade in Kingdom Hearts 2?

Sleeping Lion, Fatal Crest, and Fenrir are also powerful, but generally less so than the Decisive Pumpkin. Lastly the Ultima Weapon is the strongest and most balanced Keyblade, with MP Hastega being useful under almost any circumstance.

Which Keyblade is the strongest?

Top 10 Strongest Keyblades in “Kingdom Hearts”

  • Oblivion.
  • Oathkeeper.
  • Lionheart.
  • Vanitas Remnant’s Void Gear.
  • No Name.
  • Omega Weapon.
  • Unbound.
  • X-blade.

How do you beat Sephiroth in kh1?


  1. Keep attacking, even if you don’t see his HP gauge go down.
  2. When he summons the explosion from the ground, if you look carefully, it rises in separate columns.
  3. Try to get Ultima Weapon before facing him.
  4. Remember to Cure yourself if your HP gets below 50%.

How do I stop Sephiroth Heartless Angel?

Heartless Angel is used prominently in Sephiroth’s boss battles. The move drains Sora of MP, and will leave him with 1 HP. Heartless Angel can be cancelled out if Sephiroth is struck amid the casting motion, as it takes a few moments to cast.

What level should you be to fight Sephiroth in kh1?

He’s basically a Dark Souls boss, with floaty Kingdom Hearts gameplay. It is possible to beat him at your level, but only if you have second chance and once more. Otherwise, you do need to level up more. As LiquidPhoenix has suggested, level 65 is a decent level to try it, regardless of your equipment.

Why is Sephiroth obsessed with cloud?

Sephiroth wants Cloud to bring the Black Materia to his true body in North Crater so he keeps messing with his mind to gain control of him.

Is Sephiroth in Final Fantasy?

Sephiroth is the main antagonist in Final Fantasy VII, who first appears after assassinating President Shinra.

Is Sephiroth Cloud’s heartless?

Sephiroth is not literaly Cloud’s darkness. Sephiroth simply represents Cloud’s dark past. Cloud wants to destroy Sephiroth so he can forget about his past once in for all.