Is it rude to tell someone they gained weight?

Is it rude to tell someone they gained weight?

Whether you want to believe it or not, it’s probably not necessary for you to tell someone they’ve gained weight. If they’re not making a change, they may not want to focus on their weight status.

What to say when someone says you gained weight?

What to do when someone comments on your weight

  1. Know it’s probably not about you. I know, I know.
  2. Come back with a compliment. This is for the people who are intentionally trying to hurt your feeelings.
  3. Hit the comment right back at them. Say ‘so do you’ and smile sweetly.
  4. Call them out.
  5. Ignore it.
  6. Remove yourself.

Why does it look like I’ve gained weight?

1. You have gained muscle mass. Since dense muscle tissue takes up less space than fat, it’s possible you may weigh the same (or even more) yet appear slimmer than another person with the same weight, a similar height and frame because of the difference in your body composition.”

Does gaining weight change how you look?

As fat is distributed throughout the body, it will inevitably result in changes to the face. The fat tends to be pronounced along the neckline and the area beneath the chin, resulting in a rounder, broader face. The definition of your cheekbones may wind up concealed by the extra fat that’s been amassed.

Is it rude to comment on weight loss?

Whether they are simply knowing looks or words spoken loud and clear, comments about weight loss can sting, no matter who it is delivering them. Even people who think they are giving you a sincere compliment can end up unintentionally hurting your feelings or saying the wrong thing.

Why you should never comment on someones weight?

“People with eating disorders have high levels of body dissatisfaction, and comments praising weight loss are essentially reinforcing unhealthy eating behaviours,” adds Becker.

Why do I weigh a lot more than I look?

One easily forgotten reason is that your weight only indicates your body mass index (BMI), not your body composition, which is the amount of muscle versus fat you have on your body. Your body composition makes a huge difference in what you look like even though it can’t be measured by the scale.

Is it OK to comment on someones weight?

If you are unsure as to how the person feels about their weight-loss, it is best not to make a direct comment about it. Keep in mind that weight is not always an indicator of health. If someone appears to be healthier and happier, a compliment about their happiness may be better than one about weight-loss.

How do you tell someone they look like they’ve lost weight?

Weight Loss Real Talk: What You Should (and Shouldn’t) Say

  1. Leave out the word “weight.”
  2. Give them a chance to brag.
  3. Compliment big picture goals.
  4. Save them for people you know well.
  5. Share your own experience.
  6. Keep them coming.
  7. Ditch the disbelief.
  8. Don’t remind them how far they’ve come.

How do you know if you are skinny fat?

There are signs to look for to help you identify if you are “skinny fat”.

  1. Elevated body fat percentage.
  2. Excess fat around your waistline (high waist circumference)
  3. High triglycerides.
  4. High low-density-lipoprotein (LDL or the “bad”) cholesterol and/or low HDL cholesterol.

Why is my weight so high but I don’t look fat?

What can I say instead of losing weight?

Alternate Synonyms for “lose weight”: reduce; melt off; slim; slenderize; thin; slim down; change state; turn.

Is it rude to tell someone they gained weight?

Is it rude to tell someone they gained weight?

If THEY bring up the subject and you feel that you are well equipped to offer advice and support, by all means, enter this important conversation. But unless the weight card is drawn, don't play it. Otherwise try not to react or show any facial expression displaying surprise about the person's weight gain.

What do you say to someone who is struggling with weight?

Focus on the rewards. But if she does want to talk about it, take the focus off of the pounds she regained and emphasize how great she'll feel after another successful attempt. “Remind her of the good things that came out of her earlier successful efforts: more confidence, better health, more energy,” says Horowitz.

What do you say when someone comments on your food?

For Means Well, if you choose to respond to the comment, you might say something like, “I'm really thankful you care about me. It might be even more helpful to…” This gives them a different way of expressing their care, love, or concern, so that you're both happy.