Is it OK to want to wear diapers?

Is it OK to want to wear diapers?

No, it's not wrong to want to wear whatever you want. I choose to wear diapers and they're the best part of any day. But, that said, wearing diapers will complicate your life, even if you only wear alone. That's because you will have a secret.

Can you wear diapers in jail?

FORT MADISON, Iowa — Prison inmates must give up some rights but the right to wear adult diapers is not one of them, an Iowa State Penitentiary inmate insists. Prison officials said there is no medical need for Lacey to wear the diapers, and that he only wants to do so 'because he wants to be treated like an infant.

Is being a diaper lover normal?

Some diaper lovers solely enjoy wearing a diaper and may wear one discreetly and otherwise live a "normal" life. You may want to act as an adult baby or you may not; it's up to you to explore and decide. Some people use diapers to feel comfortable or for sexual foreplay.

How do you hide wearing diapers?

Choose clothing that will help draw attention away from the groin and bottom, and that will help conceal the adult diapers. Avoid clothing with a lot of stitching, “bling” etc. on the rear pockets, and anything that is too form fitting. Wear regular underwear over adult diapers.

Do diapers feel good?

Many modern diapers are very thin and feel like somewhat stiff thick underwear. If they've been fitted well they are almost un-noticeable until they are used. Even then they may seem relatively unobtrusive unless they've been flooded, overfilled, or it's number 2s.

How do you wear diapers in public?

For me, the best thing about wearing a diaper is wetting it. You feel the warmth on your most sensitive parts, and spread throughout the diaper, making the diaper swell, so the hug gets even better and goes on and on.

Can you Unpotty train yourself?

If you lose bladder control, it is very easy to re-train yourself. Over time, you de-condition your bladder muscles through atrophied, and they become ineffective. Re-training reverses this by simply exercising those muscles. Most will only achieve limited loss of control.

Are you wearing a diaper?

Many people think that diapers are only for people who are either extremely YOUNG, or extremely OLD. However, many people who DON"T fit into these categories wear diapers. So, you probably don't wear diapers and probably wear "normal" underwear. Perhaps you should consider wearing diapers again.

Can adults wear baby diapers?

It's safe to say that most BABY diapers wouldn't be useful at all if they are used for its intended purpose for an ADULT, as that is not what they were made for.

Can you wear a diaper in public?

It's actually quite easy to wear in public, most of the time, and the only people who will ever notice if you take basic precautions are people who pat your butt and MAYBE people who know what to look for and are starring at your bottom for an uncomfortable length of time, and that's only if you wear thicker diapers.

Are diapers comfortable?

Yes- adult diapers are most DEFINITELY comfortable to wear to bed!!! I wear them to bed, EVERY night & the ones I wear are adult cloth diapers, along with plastic pants. I wear them to bed, EVERY night & the ones I wear are adult cloth diapers, along with plastic pants.

Can I wear diapers to school?

Letting an authority figure at school know that you wear diapers may allow you to have some special privileges. You may be able to gain access to a private restroom where you can change your diapers. They may also give you permission to come late to class or leave class early to change your diaper.

How many ABDLs are there?

300,000 ABDLs in the USA or 30,000 ?

No, it's not wrong to want to wear whatever you want. I choose to wear diapers and they're the best part of any day. Few things, apart from my wife, make me as happy. But, that said, wearing diapers will complicate your life, even if you only wear alone.

What is a TBDL?

TBDL. N. A teenager who likes to wear diapers and be babied for sexual (fetishism) or emotional satisfaction. Acronym: Teen Baby Diaper Lover. Source:

Why do diapers feel so good?

Peeing in diapers feels so good to me that I barely use the toilet to pee in at all. Muscles you have held tight relax as you pee, the release of tension is nice in itself.

What does a diaper lover mean?

diaper-lover. Noun. (plural diaper lovers) A person who wears diapers for pleasure rather than necessity.

What percentage of adults wear diapers?

As many as 1/3 of all adults – 80 percent of them women – have bladder issues. Babies will eventually stop needing diapers.

How do you hide a diaper crinkle?

I suggest just wearing a thick onesie on-top which would also hide peekage. Or have a plastic grocery bag visibly protruding from a pants/trouser pocket – that's the best way to mask it. A pair or two of tight-fitting underwear (I find boxer-briefs work best) should cut down the sound massively.

Why do guys wear diapers?

Specifically, men reported using diapers more frequently; in contrast, women reported playing with baby toys, as well as sexual and non-sexual play with a daddy figure more often. Compared to women, men also rated diapers as being more sexually stimulating and more important to their ABDL activities.

How do you train yourself to pee in a diaper?

Drink plenty of fluids and put images in your mind that would make you want to pee. It will take time, just do not force it. Put your diaper on and forget about wetting it, eventually your body will start associating wearing the diaper and using the toilet at the same time.

Why do some adults wear diapers?

Some people wear them because of their comfort and the ability to contain a large amount of urine and faeces without any health problem. And some have genuine health issues like urinary incontinence. Many people using adult diapers and adult pullups to manage incontinence.

Some diaper lovers solely enjoy wearing a diaper and may wear one discreetly and otherwise live a "normal" life. Some people use diapers to feel comfortable or for sexual foreplay. The behavior is not necessarily tied to baby or infant lifestyle.

Why does it feel good to wear a diaper?

What is it like to wear a diaper?

Many modern diapers are very thin and feel like somewhat stiff thick underwear. If they've been fitted well they are almost un-noticeable until they are used. Even then they may seem relatively unobtrusive unless they've been flooded, over

Why do some adults like diapers?

Adults who like to wear diapers usually have had these desires since early childhood. For many people with this desire, it's a sexual thing which first manifests itself with the onset of puberty and is often recognized in years prior. The desire doesn't just go away or even diminish at 18, 21, 40, or ever.