Is it OK to store firewood in your garage?

Is it OK to store firewood in your garage?

It's recommended that firewood be stacked at least 20 to 30 feet away from the exterior of the home to keep pests away. If you're concerned about keeping snow and moisture off the wood, keep the firewood securely covered outside rather than having it sit in the garage or basement attached to your home.

Does firewood attract termites?

Firewood and woodpiles can attract termites, drawing them closer to your home. Then, termites will migrate from the piles of wood to the housing structure, causing great damage inside. To avoid an invasion, stack wood 20 feet away from your home and keep it at least 5 inches off the ground.

Do you stack firewood bark up or down?

If split wood is stored outdoors, stacking it with the bark side down can allow water to collect in the u-shaped trough. This moisture retention can prolong drying and accelerate decay, says Knaebe.

How far away from house should you stack firewood?

Orkin Pest Control suggests storing firewood "at least five feet or more away from the foundation of the home." The farther away from the home and surrounding homes and structures, the better. Additionally, store the firewood on top of racks or platforms raised above the ground.

Is it OK to burn termite infested wood?

It's safe to burn termite infested wood – this won't do anything to harm you – although it will harm the termite. Though it will add to the cozy-ness of your home, there is a chance that you'll be inviting termites to cozy up along side you.

Where should you stack firewood?

For outdoor storage, stack firewood away from other structures. Leaving both the front and back open allows for proper circulation of air allowing the wood to dry. Dried firewood can be stored inside against a wall or other dry place.

Should I cover my firewood?

Ideally, firewood should remain uncovered so it can be properly dried, but this is not practical when rain, snow and ice can quickly coat winter firewood. A good cover over the top of your woodpile will protect it, and be sure the cover is slanted to shed moisture away from the pile's base.

How deep should a firewood rack be?

The overall dimensions for this rack are 40 1/2 inches wide by 31 5/8 inches tall by 18 inches deep.

What is the fastest way to season firewood?

Stacking wood against any structure (house or fence) limits air-circulation and inhibits the drying process. Even if your wood is totally dry and cured before you stack it against the house any new moisture (rain, snow, humidity) will become trapped between the woodpile and the siding, promoting rot.

Can I store firewood on my deck?

For outdoor storage, stack firewood away from other structures. Leaving both the front and back open allows for proper circulation of air allowing the wood to dry. Dried firewood can be stored inside against a wall or other dry place. Choose a sunny spot to store your outdoor wood stack.

Does firewood go bad?

Once wood gets over 4-5 years old, it does start to deteriorate, so the best wood is 2-3 years seasoned firewood . If you find good dry wood of any kind, you will really enjoy your fireplace! But, if you get stuck with green wood, you will be one very frustrated wood burner. Most wood for sale is "this years" wood.

How do you stack firewood off the ground?

If at all possible, you should stack your firewood at least a few inches off of the ground. Stacking firewood directly on the ground can cause a few problems. Low Airflow. Stacking your firewood directly on the ground will not allow proper airflow around the bottom of the stack.

How do you dry firewood quickly?

Wet wood is next to useless wood. According to World Forest Industries if you're in a real pinch to protect your firewood, at the very least you must cover the top of the pile, but leave the sides open. This allows moisture to escape while keeping the majority of the wood dry.

Will firewood dry in a pile?

Yes, firewood can indeed dry, season or in short, get ready for burning even if you throw it all randomly in a pile. To start with, it is going to take a lot longer for the wood to season this way.

How long should logs be seasoned before burning?

Exactly how long is a matter of ongoing debate in wood-burning circles. The traditional rule of thumb is to season firewood for at least six months before the heating season; some hardwoods require at least one to two full years.

How can I dry firewood quickly?

If the wood is covered in snow or ice, check the floor after 15 to 30 minutes and mop up the melted snow. Turn the wood over or stand it on end. Start the fire using dry kindling and wood. Damp wood will dry out and burn once the fire is burning well.

Can I store firewood in my basement?

Finally, if you do keep firewood inside, try not to store it in a damp basement or garage. While most of the lumber in a home is too dry for most insects' tastes, wood with any moisture in it can be a tempting treat.

How long will firewood last?