Is it Lady finger or ladies finger?

Is it Lady finger or ladies finger?

Lady's finger, if you are referring to a female human being's single digit on the hand; lady's fingers if you are referring to to more than one digit on a female human being's hand; ladies' fingers if you are referring more than one female human being and the digits on their hands.

How do you keep lady finger green when cooking?

You need to know that the longer you cook the bhindi, the more chlorophyll will be lost, and bhindi will loose its green color for sure. So, to preserve its green color, you should reduce your cooking time, whether you are steaming it or stir frying it.

What is the shape of lady finger?

Lady Finger(भिंडी) A green colored oblong shaped vegetable, tapering at the end with tiny seeds inside. It is also known as okra or gumbo.

How long does okra take to boil?

In a large saucepan, combine the water, okra, and salt; bring to a boil over high heat. Allow to boil for 3 to 4 minutes, or until the okra is tender. Drain then return the okra to the saucepan. Add the butter and cook over low heat until the butter melts and coats the okra, stirring frequently.